
6年前 391次浏览 澳洲生物论文代写:税收负担已关闭评论

那么显而易见的是,税收负担和特权制度都不能归咎于1789年的金融危机,需要考虑的是税收体系本身吗?有人建议,“税收、特许经营权和法律的迷宫,构成了王室最强烈的征税欲望[5]”。王室依靠中介服务来管理。这些代理人在很大程度上是独立的,经常从事利润制造企业。投资方控制了借贷过程,并对保持法国的财务状况有既得利益。他们不仅会以高利率借钱给国王,我以后还会处理这些钱,但是他们从国王的收入中收取税金来收取税金。一个例子是农民一般,这是一个私人企业家的集合,他们通过收税、安排付款和转账以及向国王发放贷款而获利。通常他们赚了10 - 25%或更多的收入收集”[6]的皇冠,Darigrand建议这个原因,没有税收改革的必要性,只是一种手段,恢复了从收集”[7],他建议从15000里弗收集“皇家财政部3000年离开”[8]。Roussel也做出了这一区分,并指出当前金融体系的缺陷是“无法弥合人们缴纳的税款与国王所得到的”[9]之间的差距。收集代理也强烈反对法国银行系统的想法,会计师,农民一般和其他投资方不会容忍一个中央银行系统,因为它会减少他们的利润”[10],这将帮助法国君主制安全大幅财政,我将评估的结果。


It seems obvious then, that neither the tax burden nor the system of privilege can be attributed to the financial crisis of 1789, what needs to be considered is the system of taxation itself? It has been suggested that 'the labyrinth of taxes, franchises and laws amounted to the most powerful block of Monarchy's desire to tax more equitably'[5]. The Crown relied on the service of intermediaries to manage. These agents were largely independent and often engaged in profit making enterprises. The financers controlled the borrowing process and had a vested interest in keeping the French finances the way they were. Not only would they lend money to the King at high interest rates, which I shall deal with later, but they took money away from the Kings revenue by charging to collect taxes. An example of this is the Farmers General, a collection of private entrepreneurs that made profit in collecting taxes, arranging payments and money transfers and lending to the Crown. Typically 'they made a profit of 10 - 25% or more of the revenue collected'[6] for the Crown, Darigrand suggested for this reason that 'there was no need for tax reform, just a means of recovering what was lost from collection'[7], he suggested that from 15,000 livre collected '3,000 was left for the Royal Treasury'[8]. Roussel also made this distinction and suggested that the defect of the current financial system was the 'inability to close the gap between what people paid in taxes and what the King received'[9]. Collection agents also strongly opposed the idea of French Bank system, 'The accountants, Farmers General and other financers would not tolerate a Central bank system because it would have cut down their profits'[10], which would have helped the French monarchy secure finance dramatically, I shall assess the consequence of this later on.

