澳洲生物学assignment代写 数据采集
Data collection was completed by face to face interviews that were recorded and later transcribed. A total of twelve questions were asked in the context of semi-structured interviews to the patients that accepted our invitation. Before each meeting, the anonymity and the confidentiality of theinformation provided was explicitly and clearly manifested to these participants, in order to safeguard their names and other specifics traits.We conclude that interviews were to be seen as an intimate and personal encounter where the interviewees, persuaded of the confidentiality and discretion of the researcher, decided to open up and entrust us with their experiences; information that under other circumstances, they would have not shared with a third-party. In short, it can be affirmed that each interview allowed for a rich interaction with the interviewees. The interviews lasted approximately fifteen to thirty minutes.In regards to the interviews questions, an interview guide covered the two main aspects that we wanedt to explore about the participants’ perceptions concerning pet therapy. First, the patient experience in regard to their experience having pet therapy. Second, we looked at the patients’ experiences in regards to the specific cancer-related symptoms. For instance, questions will cover the knowledge they had about the therapy and the different associations they can make between the relief of their symptoms and the pet therapy. In the appendix B, the reader can see the interviews questions.Also, a simply questionnaire will be distributed in order to collect demographic information. The author also kept a field journal, where all the data collection process was consigned, as well as, all the decision that could be made during the data collection and the data analysis processes. The next table shows the correspondence between the qualitative approach and the aims we have for this study.
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