
7年前 366次浏览 澳洲市场营销论文代写:迪斯尼已关闭评论


环境友好的电视广告通过迪斯尼聚光灯让小孩和少年的债券作为一个提高环境,因为它专注于联合的霸权意识。企业社会责任的理论是由迪斯尼沟通通过环保下一代电视广告促进拯救地球上做一些小小的改变。通过这些生态友好的电视广告和企业社会责任倡议迪斯尼却:“如果500000年迪斯尼朋友的孩子贡献改变:项目绿色活动,集体可以:避免大约100000吨的二氧化碳从大气污染p / y通过调节本国恒温器。每天节省500万加仑的水通过减少淋浴时间。防止100万磅的垃圾进入垃圾填埋场将trash-free午餐一周。为当地创造新的家庭动物,种植500000棵树。”这个提议似乎是让孩子们认识到绿色的价值,这样他们就可以反过来帮助理解重要性护送更环保的生活方式。如果我们测量的有效性等通信企业社会责任的目标与塔玛拉的研究我们可以看到利益相关者的参与和清晰的目标与所有事实和数字这有助于迪斯尼在CSR保持领先地位。


According to The Ecolectual, (2009) Disney has redefined theory of communicating CSR, Disney took initiative of Informing, empowering and activating positive action for the environment which was also called "Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green" promoting greener life which provided a platform to kids and teens to take initiative and help planet. In order to communicate this initiative and engaging kids to interact personally to meet common objectives Disney provided a link on official website where it invited young people to get together and help planet in saving water, waste, and climate. Through this link kids will practically approach different ways in which they can help planet against environmental threats. Another effective step in order to involve audience in achievement of goals was that Disney provided opportunity to it consumer to suggest that on what course Disney should invest its donation of 1million.  By using Disney's stars from the commonly admired children's network as element of its corporate social responsibility programs Disney has a better opportunity of getting their communication of how to live greener lifestyles through to their aimed demographic.

The environmental friendly TV commercial by Disney spotlights on empowering kids and teens to bond as one for improvement of environment, as it focuses on the supremacy of joint awareness. The theory of CSR is being communicated by Disney to the next generation through environmental friendly television commercials to facilitate make small changes to save the planet. Through these eco friendly television commercials and CSR initiatives Disney guesstimates that "if 500,000 kids contribute in Disney Friends for Change: Project Green events, collectively they can: avert about 100,000 tons of CO2 p/y from polluting the atmosphere by regulating their home thermostats. Save 5 million gallons of water in a day by reducing shower times. Prevent 1 million pounds of waste from entering landfills by bringing trash-free lunches for a week. Create new homes for local animals by planting 500,000 trees." The proposal appears to be getting children to recognize the value of being green so they can in turn help understand the importance to escort greener lifestyles to their families. If we measure effectiveness of such communications of CSR objective in relation to Tamara's research we can see the level of engagement of stakeholders and clearness of objectives with all facts and figures this helps Disney to hold leading position in CSR.

