
7年前 360次浏览 澳洲市场营销论文代写:索尼已关闭评论


然而,在2004年,索尼电子业务连续两年面临损失。主要原因是由于传统电视的销量大幅下降和便携式音频产品,和日本的情况尤其重要,Vaio个人电脑和阴极射线管电视机的需求显著下降。同时,游戏部门也没有表现得很好,2 PlayStation游戏机的销售急剧下降。

的时候,索尼宣布10 - 2004结果;很明显,该公司远未达到的目标设想转换60计划。根据索尼的2004年财务报告,收入低于相应的季度收入的7.5%和2003年的营业收入已经侵蚀了13%。索尼的2004 - 2005财年利润率为1.6%,远低于10%的,索尼计划到2006年实现。“转换60”的重组计划是2004年不成功。



In October 2003, Idei, the CEO of Sony, announced another reorganization plan called "Transformation 60", which was a three-year restructuring plan. The plan focused on reducing costs by downsizing and consolidating manufacturing, distribution, customer service facilities and streamline procurement. Through this restructuring plan, Sony aimed to reach cost savings of ¥300 billion at fiscal 2006. The key strategy was to create convergence between separate products. For example, in the electronics group, converging television and games; in entertainment converging movies, music and games, etc. Sony Corporation was reorganized into eight business entities - four network companies, which are Micro Systems Network Company, IT and Mobile Solutions Network Company, Broadband Network Company and Home Network Company; and three business groups, which are Game Business Group, Entertainment Business Group and Personal Solutions Business Group.

However, in 2004, Sony's electronics business faced losses for two consecutive years. The mainly reason was due to the significant decline in sales of conventional televisions and portable audio products, and the situation is especially significant in Japan, where the demand for Vaio personal computers and cathode-ray-tube televisions fell prominently. At same time, the games division also did not fare well with sales of PlayStation 2 consoles falling rapidly.

By the time, Sony announced its October-December 2004 results; it was evident that the company was far from reaching the goals envisaged in its Transformation 60 plan. According to Sony's financial reports in 2004, the revenues were 7.5 per cent lower than the revenues during the corresponding quarter in 2003 and the operating income had eroded by 13 per cent. Sony's profit margins for fiscal 2004-2005 were at 1.6 per cent, far lower than the 10 per cent that Sony planned to achieve by 2006. The restructuring plan of "Transformation 60" was not successful in 2004.

For the company's problems, combined with competitions and lack of vision, Sony's revenue and net profit has been in decline. Analysts blamed the "silo culture", which prevented Sony from communicating and cooperating with each other.


