
7年前 271次浏览 澳洲时尚学作业代写:解决研究来源已关闭评论



The previously addressed research sources collectively viewed have demonstrated the importance of the student voice in the learning and assessment process as well as an educator's ability to successfully implement a learner centered teaching style. Moreover, Knowles (1980) Theory of Androgogy implies learners working together collaboratively will lead to a higher sense of one's awareness in his/her own sense of accountability and responsibility. Thus, by balancing creative application of learner-centered techniques, together with teacher-centered instructional techniques in a high school environment, and through the student being allowed to play a more active role in his/her own educational methods and objectives we may be able to impact student academic self-efficacy; in the direct form of positive changes in their future academic goal directed behavior. In addition, the process becomes more meaningful to the learner; thus, allowing for a personal investment in classroom procedures. This empowerment could then lead to positive and successful accomplishments in the adolescent's post-secondary experiences, lending credibility to the theoretical premise that student-centered facilitation within the classroom leads to a smoother and more significant transition for a high school student entering college life, by positively impacting his/her sense of accountability and responsibility as well as by directly enhancing personal readiness skills to learn. Hence, the participants come away with a stronger sense of academic self-efficacy by improved academic relationships, academic activities and academic reasoning skills.

