
7年前 318次浏览 澳洲塔斯马尼亚论文代写:农民和土拨鼠已关闭评论



At the very end of this poem, Kumin concludes by creating a relation of the farmer and woodchuck to that of the Hitler and Jews in the gas chambers of the Holocaust in World War II. After reading the poem, it doesn’t feel like a song due to its rhyming scheme. This poem has a rhyming scheme but very subtle, it’s not the conventional rhyming scheme such as abab etc. In this case every stanza follows the rhyme scheme such as abcacb. It is very evident and the reader can notice this in the first read but this does not affect the effectiveness of the poem at all.The poem begins with explaining the unsuccessful attempts for removing the pests in the very first stanza, “the knockout bomb from the Feed and Grain Exchange was featured as merciful, quick at the bone” (Kumin 8). By this Kumin wants to explain the reader that the first attempt was a little merciful. Though it was still pointing towards murderous thoughts, but it was in a merciful way which would cause less pain, “quick at the bone”. And then the poet continues brushing the picture further by adding a little humor. “and the case we had against them was airtight, both exits shoehorned shut with puddingstone, but they had a sub-sub-basement out of range” (Kumin 8). Kumin is successful in adding humor by mentioning the chase between the speaker and the woodchucks and how the speaker is cunningly outwitted by the woodchuck only because of his/her overconfidence. From this first stanza, it is clear that the farmer has already decided and made attempts to kill the woodchucks, where he/she starts with a merciful way and transitions towards the brutal forms as the hatred increases. If we have to summarize the first stanza, a nice imaginative base picture is painted which depicts the funny chase between the speaker and the woodchucks.

