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To make his father emulate those four types of men, Thomas uses unique metaphors to create a representation of all the men. Thomas begins by invoking the wise men who, "Because their words had forked no lightening they/ Do not go gentle into that good night"(4-5). The wise men Thomas speaks of refuse to resign to their fates as dead men because they have not yet accomplished what they set out to do. Thomas's "lightening" is a representative metaphor of the goals set forth by the strong that serve as motivation to continue living robustly. By idolizing these wise men, Thomas implicates that he desires his father to emulate them; to press on toward anything that may at least give him some purpose besides waiting complacently for death to lower its scythe upon him.Thomas's use of other men as examples of a desired state for his father is repeated through each stanza of the poem. In Thomas's third stanza, he invokes the merits of "Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright/Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay"(7-8). These "good men" strive endlessly to make their mark on the world, unsatisfied with their subjectively "frail" deeds until finally death catches up with them. These men "rage against the dying of the light" (9) because they have not yet met their goals, much like the wise men proceeding them. This passion for improvement and strength to persevere are exactly the qualities that Dylan Thomas begs his father to put forth, for Dylan's own sake as much as his father's.

