
7年前 335次浏览 澳洲维多利亚论文代写:自由问题已关闭评论

故事讲述Torvald和Nora Helmer的家庭生活。在她的一生中,Nora为主要人物,面对让她没有她生活中的自由问题。她的丈夫,Torvald总是克制自己,开始时的圣诞活动。当Nora准备所有必要的,Torvald指责她花太多钱,事件。他认为那是言过其实的事,因为他认为不适合社会。此外,财务问题取决于妻子如何管理,妻子应该谨慎地管理,这是一个有趣的游戏,可以通过结构化的方法进行分析。亨利克·易卜生选择《玩偶屋》中的女性角色来分析剧中的主题,因为整个故事都包含了主人公在家庭生活中所面临的女性角色。此外笔者选择这个题目是因为在以往的研究中从基督教大学的学生享有佩特拉快播失望的研究对社会的期望,是由她的父亲和她的丈夫为代表的女人(电影)在亨利克·易卜生的玩偶之家看到的。对Nora对她父亲和丈夫的期望失望的因素进行了分析。她还鼓励Nora通过使用诸如人物刻画和冲突等文学手法来解决自己的失望。


The story tells about the domestic life of Torvald and Nora Helmer. In her life, Nora as the main character, faced the problem that made her did not free in her life. Her husband, Torvald always curb her, started when the Christmas event. When Nora prepared all the necessary, Torvald accused her for spending too much money for that event. He thought that it was for exaggerate thing because in his opinion did not appropriate with the society. Besides the financial matters depend on how the wife manages it and as a wife should manages it carefully.This is an interesting play that can be analyzed through structural approach. The writer choose the women roles in domestic life in A Doll House drama by Henrik Ibsen to analyze with the theme of the play because the whole story is contains of women roles that the main character faced in the domestic life. Beside that the writer choose this topic because in the previous study from student of Petra Christian University entitled A Study of Nora’s Disappointment as A Woman Toward Social Expectations that are Represented By Her Father and Her Husband (Helmer) As Seen in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House. There have been analyzed about the factors that make Nora disappointed toward the expectation of her father and her husband. She also encouraged to find out how Nora solves her disappointment by using literary devices such as characterization and conflict. (Olivia, 2005:V)

