
8年前 416次浏览 澳洲物业学论文代写:客户忠诚度已关闭评论




It believes eight fundamental things that drive its success called founding truths represented a unique way of thinking about the business. Its founding truths show that SPC focuses on customers, employees to drive customer loyalty and tries to differentiate its brands. Firstly, it thinks that people's feeling is the first thing it needs to take care of since good service provided by employees would lead to customer's satisfaction and profitability. Secondly, the company reckons the prompt response to customer's enquiry is crucial to their success. Thirdly, SPC also believes that the branch manager is the closest link to the customer. Fourth, it recognizes excellence at every level of the business as SPC realizes that people perform best when their efforts are recognized and that appreciatio (SPC, About us)n is the glue that holds them together. Besides, team effort of marketing innovation and great operations would drive sales. Consistent operation discipline through process and standards are therefore important. It also believes that customers do not care who owns or operates any particular restaurant; therefore, operating in "One System" is the key to success. Finally, quality in everything, especially the food is its customers crave."

SPC is a semi Governmental sector and it deals with drugs. These drugs play a vital role in peoples life under their health factor. So to know about the marketing culture as a Marketing consultant i suggest them doing research such as enquiries and asking questions from the common people would be a great idea and their thought about the SPC brand .This type of research is known as Quantitative Research

