
7年前 376次浏览 澳洲悉尼科技大学论文代写:生活已关闭评论



A substantially higher proportion of individuals who live in families with disabled members live in poverty, compared to individuals who live in families where no one is disabled, 23 per cent of individuals in families with at least one disabled member live in relative income poverty, on a Before Housing Costs basis, compared to 16 per cent of individuals in families with no disabled member. 29 per cent of children in families with at least one disabled member are in poverty, a significantly higher proportion than the 20 per cent of children in families with no disabled member. The employment-rate gap between disabled and non-disabled people has decreased from around 36 per cent in 2002 to around 29 per cent in 2010. However, disabled people are far less likely to be in employment. Although there have been significant improvements in the employment rates of disabled people in the last decade, the employment rates of disabled people are around 48 per cent, compared with around 78 per cent of non-disabled people. Disabled people are around twice as likely not to hold any qualifications compared to non-disabled people, and around half as likely to hold a degree-level qualification. 24 per cent of working age disabled people do not hold any formal qualification, compared to ten per cent of working age non-disabled people. 11 per cent of working age disabled people hold degree-level qualifications compared to 22 per cent of working age non-disabled people. Disabled people are significantly more likely to experience unfair treatment at work than non-disabled people. In 2008, 19 per cent of disabled people experienced unfair treatment at work compared to 13 per cent of non-disabled people. Around a third of disabled people experience difficulties related to their impairment in accessing public, commercial and leisure goods and services. Although the gap in non-decent accommodation has closed over recent years, one in three households with a disabled person still live in non-decent accommodation. One in five disabled people requiring adaptations to their home believe that their accommodation is not suitable

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