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The story of The Scarlet Letter is a display of how the American Puritan society was then. According to that Puritan society Hester has sinned unredeemable sin and thus she was punished and had to wear her badge of shame which will remind her of her guilt. Also the presence of her daughter, the result of this sin will make her realize of her guilt. The puritan society asserts its authority over the individual conscience by forcing Hester to accept her punishment. But who gave this right to the society to judge whether Hester was a sinner or not? Hester herself had developed a sympathetic intuition about sinners in Boston and that she could understand sinfulness in people in whom it was to be the least expected. At the beginning of the story, it is the most frustrated people who are the most outspoken critics of Hester. It shows that a Boston Puritan Society that is not capable of judging Hester because all its members are sinful in one way or the other.Hester was in a position in which she may have offended a social or moral code but so have the others, like Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, Bellingham and other unnamed people. Therefore, if a whole society is corrupt or sinful, the individual whose conscience makes him do his penance is sensitive to morality and he has his own personal morality as against the morality of a whole society. In chapter XIV, when Chillingworth tells Hester that the Puritans are planning to ask her not to wear the scarlet letter any longer, she says that it is not for the community to decide when to abate her punishment which is as mental and psychological as it is social. She may still wear the letter “A”, but the meaning of the word has now changed from “Adulteress” to “Able” or “Angel”. With her patience, courage, and humility, allied to good deeds, Hester proves that she is as good as anybody else. She has been true to her own self-ordained punishment. She is the one who feels her sin both through the scarlet letter and the child Pearl, but she never tortures herself as Dimmesdale does. Hester may be was afraid of the criticism received from her husband as well as from the society and this implies that somewhere or the other she was accepting herself as a sinner in her mind. But then she has a private morality which is not inferior to the social morality of the Puritans.

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