
7年前 340次浏览 澳洲悉尼科技论文代写:与家庭合作已关闭评论



By collaborating with families, educators gain vital information that can help us to understand and support children; in addition, children will feel more comfortable and confident in the classroom. Xu, H.(2003) mentioned for educators to be able to understand and support children's literacy needs in the centre, they will collaborate with parents/family members to gather information about Knowledge and experiences children have acquired through their home language, and what can be used to help learn the English language that parents carry out home literacy practices e.g. Listening to your child read, printed materials they have at home e.g. magazines, newspapers, T.V, books, computer, how children use language and learn language at home. The child's culture, to better understand the child's social and cultural practices and the child's interests at home e.g. favorite shows, stories, movies etc., as this will help when developing programs for motivational purposes.Hill (2006) has suggested ways for encouraging language development through play, reading books aloud to children, having the show and tell and by scaffolding children's language skills and I am sure we will discover more as we learn too. Teachers can enhance the development of language by elaborating on children's stories, rather than correcting them. The diversity of languages and dialects brought to the classroom by children and teachers enhances such opportunities for teachers to use when working with children who are English language learners.

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