
6年前 465次浏览 澳洲悉尼论文代写:多元智能理论已关闭评论



I agree with Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence that every child learns differently. According to Garner there are seven different types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. As an educator, in each of my lessons, my goal will is to reach each one of these levels for every student. I will use different strategies in order to address the different learning style. Another theorist I agree with is Robert Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. His view of intelligence comes in three main forms: analytical, creative, and practical. Every child is unique and may learn through visual learning strategies or they may learn through hands on activities. On the other hand, some students may learn best through visual, audio, and writing. I will address all of these techniques of learning in my lessons everyday to make sure each student learns to the best of their ability.Although each student learns differently, I will always have high expectations for all of my students. I expect my students to always give 100 percent in the classroom and to always try their best. I expect the best from all of my students. They should enter my classroom with a positive attitude and ready to learn. What I model for my student is how I expect my students to act. I will not disrespect my student and I expect them not to disrespect me. I will show up to school on time and prepared to teach my students each day, so I will expect my student's to do the same. The students should put effort in the work they do and it is always expected to be turned in on time. My students should know that if they do not understand something I want them to ask for help. The students in my classroom should always feel comfortable coming to me about anything that they may need help with. I would rather my students to ask for help about their work than not do the work at all, because they did not understand what to do. Each student is expected to do their best at all the times. I believe that if the teacher has high expectations for his or her students then the students will strive to do their best in the classroom.

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