
6年前 410次浏览 澳洲悉尼论文代写:目标冲突或认知冲突已关闭评论



Secondly, Intrapersonal conflict which are occurs within an individual often involves some from of goal conflict or cognitive conflict. A leader must ensure that all conflict of each members include himself should solve with properly to make sure that the program will run smoothly. For example, our group leader was tried to solve the problem especially for communication problems. In my group some Chinese came from China they cannot speak well in English. Different of language between members include local and international student make barrier when this project in progress. Based on the problem our leader encourage them to overcome the problem like show the uses of dictionary. Besides that, our leader also have the conflict because cannot get proper responsibilities of a group leader to do the tasks because all members have communication problems and that make all members hard to communicate.The problem that our group faced is the communication problem each members. This situation arise because of differences in language between each members that come from different background, nationalities and country. Weaknesses by using English language between each member will cause misunderstanding and will effect our project. Therefore, our leader decided to solve this conflict by using third person that are others members in others group to help us translate what we want to say or what they say. Other that we also use application such as Google Translate to get what the real meaning and can discuss together smoothly.There is a five conflict process in the addressing problem in the group that consists Potential, Cognition and personalization, Intention, Behavior and Outcome. This prosses can help our group get know the conflict that arise when this project ongoing.

