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有人认为,尽管指导可以被视为非常“有用”,但也被认为有“潜在的伤害”。(在华莱士和Gravells, 2005年:58)因此,它被认为是组织的基础,在指导开始之前,双方都要在道德规范上制定界限和一致。伦理学被认为是一个多方面的概念,许多人很难理解。根据Trevino和Nelson, 1999)他们将伦理定义为“道德的观点,要求你根据正确的和不正确的,什么是得体的,什么是好的,什么是诚实的,什么是正直的,来判断你的行为。道德的背后原因很简单,因为它被认为是正确的事情。道德是生活各个领域的一个重要因素,因为它是文明社会赖以建立的基础的一部分。每个师徒都有其独特的特点,可能对关系的正面和负面影响。导师通常能够对他们的学员施加相当大的影响。(引用在华莱士& Gravells,2005:58)这是由于常见的曲解或误解可以毫无疑问的影响指导的情况下,出于这个原因是双方应该装备出发通过边界以促进会话的形成,而且保护自己免受任何形式的虐待或虐待,歧视索赔和其他可能出现的伦理问题.


It has been argued that although mentoring can be viewed as being very 'helpful', it is also considered as having the 'potential to do harm'. (Cited in Wallace & Gravells, 2005: 58) It is therefore considered as fundamental for the organisation and for both parties to lay down boundaries and concur on ethics before mentoring can begin. Ethics has been considered as a very multifaceted concept which many individuals find difficult to understand. According to Trevino and Nelson, 1999) they have defined ethics as a "moral perspective that asks you to judge your conduct on the principles of what is correct and what is incorrect, what s decent, what's good, what's honest, what's honourable. The reason behind being ethical is very simple as it's seen as the correct thing to do." Ethics is an essential factor in all areas of life, as it is a segment of the foundation on which a civilised society is build upon.Every mentoring counterpart has its own unique features which may have an effect on relationships in both positive and negative ways. Mentors are often in the position to exert considerable influence over their mentees. (Cited in Wallace & Gravells, 2005: 58) it is due to this that common misinterpretations or misapprehensions can without doubt effect mentoring situations, for this reason being both parties ought to be equipped to set out approved boundaries in order to facilitate the formation of the sessions and to furthermore protect themselves against any sort of abuse or mistreatment, discrimination claims and other ethical issues that might arise

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