
6年前 409次浏览 澳洲悉尼论文代写:任何监督者已关闭评论



Anything supervisors can perform to help teachers develop and strengthen becomes an investment in promoting professional development. And thus, professional development allows teachers to make their own decisions regarding their knowledge and skills improvement and to assume personal accountability.Professional development needs of beginner teachers differ from those experienced teachers, and special supervisory approaches should be developed to meet these needs. According to Glatthorn (1990), beginning teachers are characterized by their preferences for certain types of supervisory approaches. Most importantly, they need intensive assistance of clinical supervision. Similarly, they need mentoring, peer coaching, cognitive coaching, and other collegial supervisory approaches. The writer further noted that experienced teachers also have their own special professional development needs and preferences. Most experienced teachers can benefit from collaborative and self-directed supervisional practices which will foster continuous professional growth and development. In general, instructional supervision is an ongoing process which enables teachers the opportunity to develop professionally and different supervisory options should be provided for different teachers based on their experience and level of difficulty.

