
6年前 469次浏览 澳洲悉尼论文代写:学业成绩已关闭评论



There are many factors which effects on students learning and academic achievement including student performance, teacher role, family support, school environment, peer relationship and the most important factor is socioeconomic status of parents. According to Mehmood and Saifi (2011), socioeconomic status is a combined measure of an individual’s or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation.” Home environment is influenced by the factors such as parent’s education, occupation, income, and facilities provided to their children. All these factors together can be defined by a single term the “socio-economic status” (SES) of parents. Thus we can say that the socioeconomic status of parents affects the performance, learning and academic achievement of students. I have selected this topic because of the multiple reasons; the reason is that being a student I have also face many hurdles during my studies till now so those movements force me to choose this topic. Like me most of the students in our society also face financial problems. So due to low socioeconomic status students cannot compete and unable to achieve their goal. In addition they become dependent on parents and parents make decisions for them. Moreover many students end up with psychological problems like stress and depression due to financial crisis and they can’t achieve their ultimate goal.

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