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Following Gardner's theory is Daniel Goleman. He also focuses on intelligence separate from IQ and that is Emotional Intelligence (EI). EI has become ubiquitous and is widely used in various areas, which proves that many adults as well as children can benefit from using Goleman's principles in practice every day. Goleman identifies five key principles: self and other awareness, mood management, self-motivation, empathy and management of relationships. The term 'emotional intelligence' is worldwide known and closely associated with working environment. Goleman (2004) argues that EI is more important than IQ. For example when considering employing a nursery practitioner emotional and social skills are more important than academic skills as the practitioner needs to be able to relate to parents, children, colleagues and other professionals involved in a child's care. Additional training, to ensure that the practitioner has appropriate qualification, can be provided by employer or sought by an employee.One of the key points of Goleman's criticisms is that he is not presenting a new theory but a subject that has been studied for years under personality research. The theory was originally set forward by Jack Mayer and Peter Salovey, whom Goleman rarely mentions in his work. He uses the term emotional intelligence too broadly as he includes aspects of personality and behaviour. Even so, many schools in United States of America have successfully incorporated programmes on emotional intelligence in their curriculum and have been running them for a decade.

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