
6年前 415次浏览 澳洲悉尼论文代写:自恋的社会已关闭评论

我们现在生活在一个越来越自恋的社会。媒体在向广大人群传播自恋方面有很大影响。根据Laura Buffadi的说法,像Facebook这样的社交网站对于自恋者来说是很常见的途径,因为他们相信其他人对他们正在做的事情感兴趣,并且想要告知公众他们正在做什么。这似乎也有可能更多地与我们在家里拥有的社交网络有关,而不是那些在线的。研究表明,当孩子们因自己未掌握的技能或天赋而受到表扬时,他们会感到空虚,更容易产生不安全感。同时,表扬孩子的真正成就有助于建立真正的自尊。自恋者有一种高度的自我价值感,他们认为自己和其他人一样有内在价值。自恋者有一种自大的感觉。自恋者喜欢盯着镜子欣赏自己的身材。他们认为其他人都对他们的故事感兴趣。他们认为自己有影响他人的天赋。他需要不断的关注。因此,他表现出一种应得他人奉承的权利感(麦克亚当斯,2006)。他们倾向于用单数代词来表达,就像我,我,我的,在一个自发的演讲中。大多数自恋者需要过度的崇拜。他们可能会觉得每个人和每件事都是为他们服务的。他们永远不会满足,直到他们得到他们认为他们应该得到的。他们喜欢把成功归功于自己,并对自我提升的机会做出反应.


We are now living in an increasingly narcissistic society. Media has a big impact in transmitting narcissism to vast populations. According to Laura Buffadi, online social networking sites like Facebook are common avenues for narcissists since they believe that others are interested in what they’re doing and would want to inform the public of what they are doing. It appears that it might also be possible that this has more to do with the social networks we have at home rather than with those online. Studies have shown that children are left feeling emptier and more prone to insecurities when they are praised for skills or talents that they haven’t mastered. Meanwhile, praising children for real accomplishments help build up a real self-esteem.Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently as others. In narcissists, there’s a grandiose sense of self-importance. Narcissists like to stare at the mirror and admire their physique. They assume that everyone else is interested to listen to their stories. They think as if they have the natural talent in influencing people. He needs constant attention. Thus he shows a sense of entitlement of deserving others’ adulation (McAdams, 2006). They tend to use singular pronouns when talking like I, me, my, in a spontaneous speech. Most narcissists require excessive admiration. They may feel as if everyone and everything exists to serve them. They never get satisfied until they get what they think they deserve. They love to take credit of successes and are responsive to opportunities of self enhancement.


