
5年前 453次浏览 澳洲悉尼作业代写:教育机会已关闭评论

现行的综合制度使工人阶级儿童的受教育机会更差。从理论上讲,所有的综合学校都是平等的,但在现实中,由于越来越多的家长希望他们的孩子在大学继续接受教育,位于较富裕地区的学校变得更加以学术为导向。因此,来自贫困地区的聪明孩子被迫上学,而这些学校不能满足他们的需要,也不能发挥他们的潜力。要想让他们被一所更注重学业的学校录取,唯一的办法就是搬到“绿树成荫的小巷”,这对孩子来说比通过11 +考试要困难得多。有一种意见认为,这些儿童如果回到有选择的制度将会受益。显然,目前的综合制度需要改革,但另一方面,有大量的证据反对三权分立制度。有赞成和反对这两种制度的论点。选择性教育制度提供了更好的教育,但只针对少数人。综合教育体系似乎提供了平等的机会,但却被指责阻碍了更有能力学生的发展。在我看来,解决的办法在于建立一个系统,它可以积累选择性和综合性思想的力量。


The present comprehensive system made educational opportunities of working class children even worse. In theory all comprehensive schools are equal, but in reality schools situated in the more affluent catchment areas became more academically orientated as more parents expected their children to continue their education at University. As a result bright children from the deprived areas are forced to attend schools that are inadequate for their needs and unable to fulfil their potential. The only way for them to be accepted to more academically oriented school is to move to the ‘leafy lane’ area which is much more difficult for a child to do than to pass a 11 plus test. There is an opinion that such children would have benefited from returning to the selective system.Clearly, present comprehensive system needs reforming, but on the other hand there is a body of evidence against the tripartite system. There are arguments in favour and against either of these systems. The selective system provided a better education but only for the minority. The comprehensive system seems to offer equal opportunities but has been accused of holding back development of more able students. In my opinion the solution lays in developing a system which would accumulate strengths of both the selective and comprehensive ideas.


