
5年前 470次浏览 澳洲悉尼作业代写:正规教育所属已关闭评论

在阿契美尼德帝国(Achaemenid empire)的东部属地,几乎没有关于教育的信息,但巴比伦和埃及的证据是广泛的,那里的传统教育体系在波斯统治下继续存在。在这两个国家,正规教育仅限于男孩。读和写,以及一些语法,数学和天文学,都是在抄写学校教的。在阿契美尼德,巴比伦人的读写能力在非伊朗人中普遍存在;抄写员很多,包括牧羊人、渔夫、织工等的儿子。美索不达米亚流传下来的许多教科书。他们包括苏美尔-巴比伦语词典,楔形文字符号的平板,语法用法和练习的例子集(Oppenheim,第244-49页)。在埃及象皮坦的阿契美尼德军事殖民者中,识字率甚至更高,在那里,用阿拉姆语签署合同的证人通常会签上自己的名字(纳维,第22页)。大流士一世下令恢复埃及赛斯的医学院。然而,在埃及人看来,教育仍然是贵族的特权:埃及显要人物乌贾霍雷斯内宣布,在这所医学院的学生中没有“无名小辈”的子女


There is practically no information on education in the eastern satrapies of the Achaemenid empire, but the evidence for Babylonia and Egypt, where traditional educational systems continued under Persian rule, is extensive. In both countries formal education was restricted to boys. Reading and writing, as well as some grammar, mathematics, and astronomy, were taught in scribal schools. In Achaemenid Babylonia literacy was widespread among the non-Iranian population; scribes were numerous and included the sons of shepherds, fishermen, weavers, and the like. Many school texts have survived from Mesopotamia. They include Sumerian-Babylonian dictionaries, tablets with cuneiform signs, and collections of examples of grammatical usage and exercises (Oppenheim, pp. 244-49). The literacy rate was even higher among the Achaemenid military colonists in Elephantine in Egypt, where witnesses to contracts in Aramaic usually signed their own names (Naveh, p. 22). Darius I ordered the restoration of the medical school at Sais in Egypt. It seems, however, that among the Egyptians education remained the privilege of the nobility: The Egyptian dignitary Ujahorresne declared that there were no children of “nobodies” among the students in this medical school


