
8年前 402次浏览 澳洲心理学论文代写:犯罪率已关闭评论

持续增长的视频游戏作为娱乐,这可能会导致一个不知道有任何对犯罪率的影响在美国。这无疑是不会出现这种情况。作为游戏的销售额增加严重自1990年代后期,有一个同样显著降低青少年犯罪率。这些利率”达到了顶峰,1993年以来一直在下降。校园暴力也下降。在1994年至2001年之间,逮捕因谋杀、强行强奸、抢劫、严重袭击下降44%”(Hourigan 21 - 22)。虽然有很多的暴力增加青少年由于暴力视频游戏,数字不会说谎。视频游戏销售飙升,青少年犯罪率大幅下降。

这个证据是再次在《经济学人》的一篇文章中提到的,伦敦的报纸,进一步使声称视频游戏可能“积极的好。“他们回顾之前的设备和行为不良影响等青年当“摇滚被认为鼓励暴力,滥交和恶魔崇拜。“报纸然后可笑的笑话甚至老人听这样的音乐(leeder 9)。一篇文章肯赢在伍斯特杂志也从过去使用的例子,也像那些认为视频游戏促进暴力的指控。他使用1940年代的漫画书和地下城和龙在80年代中期的两个例子,也面临着类似的“道德恐慌”的游戏。人就像快速判断这些形式的媒体对青少年有负面影响,尽管今天的标准不赞同这些过去的索赔(赢8)。



With the continued growth in video games as entertainment, it may cause one to wonder if this has any effect on crime rates in the United States. This is undoubtedly not the case. As the sales of games have been increasing heavily since the late 1990's, there has been an equally significant decrease in juvenile crime rate. These rates "reached a peak in 1993 and have been declining since. School violence has also gone down. Between 1994 and 2001, arrests for murder, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assaults fell 44 percent" (Hourigan 21-22). While there are numerous claims of violence increasing in teens due to the violence in video games, the numbers do not lie. As video game sales skyrocket, juvenile crime rates have fallen dramatically.

This evidence is stated again in an article in The Economist, a London newspaper that goes even further to make the claim that video games may "be positively good." They reach back to previous claims of devices and acts that were bad influences on the youth such as when "rock and roll was thought to encourage violence, promiscuity and Satanism." The newspaper then laughably jokes about even old folks listening to such music (Leeders 9). An article by Ken Gagne in Worcester Magazine also uses examples from the past that also resembled the claims of those who believe video games promote violence. Gagne uses comic books from the 1940s and Dungeons and Dragon in the mid-80's as two examples that also faced a similar "moral panic" to that of video games. People were just as quick to judge these forms of media that have a negative impact on teens even though today's standards do not go along with these past claims (Gagne 8).

Of course the misconceptions of those things as triggers for violence and aggression in teens have been disproven to be just foolishness. Gagne states the people who make the claims are generally of an older demographic and should not jump to conclusions on something that they do not fully understand. He goes on to exemplify the ridiculousness of these claims by alluding to a Surgeon General's report on "the effects of media violence on children lacked wide coverage, as the report ranked video games as the tenth most significant factors." This put video games in comparison with factors such as "poor upbringing and violent parents, poverty, substance abuse, and natural aggressive tendencies" (Gagne 8). This would appear to most certainly be an overreaction and one that does not make much sense. With the decrease in teen crime and increase in violent video game sales with teenagers being the main consumers, it does not seem as though this can be a "top ten factor" in negatively affecting teens.

