
7年前 302次浏览 澳洲新南威尔士论文代写:兴趣的领域已关闭评论

第二个感兴趣的领域涉及老师对每一个学习者都需要为了成功的高中教学(麦康姆& Quiat,2000)和生活之外。社区学习(CFL)是广泛的学校改革计划中使用K - 12(麦康姆& Quiat,2000)。的重点是如何持续完成高标准的成功学生以及学生的自我认知的学术准备中获益。最后,这目标是通过四个主要的操作实践:(1)创建一个有用的和鼓舞人心的课堂环境和与每个学生,(2)尊重学生的声音,同时提供个人学习的挑战,(3)鼓励高阶思考和学习熟练程度和(4)适应多种个人学习经历能够解决发展差异。这项研究表明,通过使用这些实践,教师是更好的准备促进各种学习策略,更完全包含学生学习技能/风格的多样性在他/她的教室.


The second area of interest concerns teacher awareness of what each learner needs in order to be successful for both high school instruction (McCombs & Quiat, 2000) and life beyond. Community for Learning (CFL) was the wide-ranging school reform program used in K - 12 (McCombs & Quiat, 2000). Its' focus was on how to consistently accomplish high standards of student success as well as benefit student self-perceptions of academic readiness. In the end, this goal was achieved by the manipulation of four primary practices: (1) creating a helpful and encouraging classroom environment and connection with each student, (2) honoring student voice while simultaneously offering individual learning challenges, (3) encouraging higher-order thinking and learning proficiencies and (4) adapting to a variety of individual learning experiences capable of addressing developmental differences. This study demonstrated that through the use of these practices, the instructor was better prepared to facilitate various learning strategies that more completely encompassed the diversity of student learning skills/styles within his/her classroom

