
6年前 379次浏览 澳洲信息科技代写论文:非正式的理由已关闭评论



One such "unofficial" reason for Alfred's writing of his Law Code, it can be argued, was to assert his royal power and ensure the loyalty of his subjects in a legal document that could not be disputed [12], thereby safeguarding his own position and consolidating his hold over the kingdom. This intentional inclusion of laws designed to ensure loyalty from Alfred's subjects can be seen in the wording of the Law Codes themselves, where treason is portrayed as the most unholy and unforgivable of sins 'only for treachery to a lord they dared not declare any mercy...he [Christ] charged everyone to love his lord as himself' [13]. The reference to Christ in this quote shows the severity of the crimes of treason and treachery, as even the mercy of Christ is not afforded to those who commit these sins. The theory that Alfred's Laws were intended to secure his own position, is given weight by the underlying threat of rebellion that was present for much of Alfred's reign, especially in the case of Aethelwold, rival to the throne and the son of Alfred's predecessor, who led a rebellion in 899[14], which could have been a direct influence upon the emphasis placed on loyalty to the king and lords found in Alfred's Code.

