社交技能在生活的方方面面都很重要,无论是在家里,在学校里,甚至在邻里中。其重要性不可低估,考虑到成功的社会与他人的互动导致成功的生活(Tyrell,2009)。社会技能是特别重要的在学校没有这些技能,学生很可能面临来自同学和随之而来的退出社会互动包括辍学排斥(Krehbiel,2010)。 在美国,高中辍学率逐年上升,在少数民族中更是如此。根据民间企业一起彼得迪克森哈特研究协会为比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会的一份报告,在公立高中辍学是接近百分之50的黑人,拉美裔和土著美国人(Bridgeland,安居乐业和Morison,2006)。在过去的几十年里,这种趋势是向上的。辍学与许多原因,如学生无法融入学校的环境,以及缺乏动力之间,它是有兴趣进一步探讨,以确保学校保留扎实的社会化技能的作用。本研究旨在探讨少数民族学龄前儿童社会化技能缺乏与辍学率增加之间的关系。
Social skills are very important in each and every aspect of life whether at home, in school or even in the neighborhoods. Their importance cannot be underestimated taking into consideration that successful social interactions with others lead to successful living (Tyrell, 2009). Social skills are particularly important at school for without these skills, a student is likely to face rejection from fellow classmates and consequent withdrawal from social interactions including dropping out of school (Krehbiel, 2010).The rate of high school dropout has been year by year in America to a shocking epidemic level more so among the minority races. According to a report by the Civic Enterprises together with Peter D. Hart Research Associates for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, dropout in public high schools is as high as close to 50 percent for the blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans (Bridgeland, DiIulio & Morison, 2006). The trend has been an upward one over the past few decades. With dropout being linked to many causes such as students being unable to integrate into the school environment as well as lack of motivation among others, it is of interest to go further and look into the role of solid socialization skills in ensuring school retention. This project seeks to establish the relationship between lack of vital socialization skills in minorities' school-age children and the increasing school dropout rate.