
5年前 358次浏览 澳洲语言学作业代写:故事曝光的欲望已关闭评论

为了找到方向和清晰,我开始给沙菲利亚写信。有人提醒我,沙菲莉亚的谋杀激起了我对她的死亡作出反应并让她的故事曝光的欲望。很明显,除了第一人称以外,任何形式的写作都会产生一种距离感。在第一人称的叙述中,她会有一个能在“自己的表演”中幸存下来的声音(阿特伍德,第158页)。西索斯提醒我要对自己的作品诚实,“我将再次谈论真理,没有真理(没有真理这个词,没有神秘的真理)就没有文字。这就是写作的目的。我被更多的问题所困扰:如果真相对社会中的某些群体不方便呢?在沙菲莱娅的谋杀案审判之后,媒体抓住了她的谋杀是“名誉谋杀”的想法。这一术语通常由媒体指定为(主要)亚洲侨民中的男性成员(主要)对妇女犯下的罪行。如果必须使用标签,那么正确的说法是基于荣誉的暴力(HBV)。在“荣誉”杀人和暴力理论、政策和实践中,艾莎K.吉尔解释说,没有一套“荣誉”制度,根据“地点、地区文化和家庭社会经济地位”的不同,存在许多差异[16]。根据我作为一名南亚散居妇女的经验,我知道乙肝病毒很少被讨论,也被认为是一个令人不快的话题。当媒体“他人”犯下这些罪行时,社区的本能就是闭嘴。那么,我为什么要解决一个问题,这个问题可能会引起对工作的敌意反应,我如何才能避免来自我自己更大社区的人对我工作的潜在敌意反应所犯下的罪行的“他者”,我在萨达特曼托找到了鼓励,他不顾监禁的威胁,继续写他认为必要的东西。最近,阿伦达蒂·罗伊(Arundhati Roy)的话很有说服力:“作者的观点是不受欢迎”。


In an effort to find direction and clarity I began writing letters to Shafilea. I was reminded that Shafilea’s murder had evoked a desire to respond to her death and to bring her story to light. It became obvious that writing in any form other than in the first person would create a sense of distance. In the first person narrative she would have a voice that survives its ‘own performance’(Atwood, p.158). Cixous reminded me to be truthful to my writing, ‘I will talk about truth again, without which (without the word truth, without the mystery truth) there would be no writing. It is what writing wants’.I was preoccupied with more questions: what if the truth is inconvenient to certain groups within society? In the wake of Shafilea’s murder trial the media grasped onto idea of her murder as an ‘honour killing’. This term is often assigned by the media to crimes committed (mostly) against women of the Asian diaspora by (mostly) male members of their own family. If one must use labels, then the correct term is Honour Based Violence(HBV). In ‘Honour’ Killing & Violence Theory, Policy & Practice Aisha K. Gill explains that there is no one set ‘honour’ system, there are many variations depending upon ‘location, their regional culture and their families socio-economic status’[16]. Drawing from my own experience as a woman from the South Asian diaspora, I am aware that HBV is rarely discussed and considered an unpalatable topic. When the media ‘others’ these crimes the instinct of communities is one of closing up. Why then would I tackle an issue which may attract a hostile response to the work and how could I avoid ‘othering’ of crimes committed by those from my own greater community Regarding potential hostile responses to my work, I found encouragement in Saadat Manto, who despite threats of imprisonment continued to write what he believed was necessary[18]. More recently, there is strength in the words of Arundhati Roy: ‘the point of the writer is to be unpopular.

