
7年前 405次浏览 澳洲哲学代写ASSIGNMENT:研究生营销教育已关闭评论



Second, the article written by Liu has its own strengths and weaknesses. The utmost advantage of the article is that it focuses on a particular field which is postgraduate marketing education. This could assist other marketing researchers and leaders with their study as there are limited researches emphasizing on postgraduate marketing programme. In addition, Liu succeeds in creating an understanding about motives, expectations and preparedness of postgraduate marketing students which would support postgraduate marketing providers to design their programme accordingly. With these assets, the article does hold out flaws as well. The research prepared by Liu where questionnaires were given out to marketing students of four British universities did contribute accurate answers but there were limitations. As stated in the article, the research was made using the questionnaires returned by ninety five students which is relatively a small number for a research made for postgraduate marketing education and the four British universities surveyed were all set in a particular geographical area in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Liu mentions that a single quantitative method is used in data collection and that there is no qualitative approach practised in the research. Even so, Liu points out differences between home and international students which could be imprecise as with such a small survey it is not plausible to accomplish a clear and wide picture. "Provision of higher education for international students has become an important source of income for Western universities and these students have attracted research attention" (Huang 2008:1003). Therefore, even with an abundance of facts, the article seems incomplete and lacks precision.

