
7年前 401次浏览 澳洲哲学代写ASSIGNMENT:智能教室已关闭评论

根据智能教室字节(第二版)(SCB),一对一的笔记本电脑计划的成功实施在学校发生在四个阶段:计划、准备、实施和审查。渣打银行认为,在规划阶段的笔记本电脑实施团队在学校局部1-1笔记本电脑计划的研究是很重要的,区域和国际。这项研究的结果将有助于建立一个强大的愿景,该计划将如何提高学生的学习,它将准备团队积极应对那些谁有变化的第一手知识的情况下,笔记本电脑被成功引入。它也将有助于理解的范围内的复杂性,成功地实施质量1至1计划。最后,在积累了所有这些信息后,执行小组现在将有更好的想法,如何在他们的学校建模程序。 各国政府都喜欢宣称改革是为了更好地改变教育形势,而现在的特立尼达和多巴哥政府也不例外。他们在这里,仍然在试图完成他们的竞选承诺,但是,从时间之间的笔记本电脑的承诺了在特立尼达和多巴哥的孩子和第一个笔记本电脑发货的跨度来看,一个认为没有研究,以上所说的发生的ECAL方案实施前相对容易。一个奇迹,是瑞士计划计划获得政治里程或是真诚的努力来改善学习在我们学校教书吗?


According to the Smart Classroom Bytes (2nd ed.) (SCB), successful implementation of one to one laptop programmes in schools occurs in four stages: planning, preparation, implementation and review. SCB suggests that during the planning stages it is important for the laptop implementation team to research 1-1 laptop plans in schools locally, regionally and internationally. The results of this research will assist in building a strong vision of how the programme will improve student learning, it will prepare the team to positively deal with those who are resistant to change by having firsthand knowledge of situations where the laptops were successfully introduced. It will also assist in the understanding of the range of complexities in successfully implementing a quality 1 to 1 programme. Finally after having accumulated all this information the implementation team will now have better ideas of how to model the programmes in their schools.
Governments are fond of claiming that it is their reforms that have transformed the educational scene for the better, and the present government of Trinidad and Tobago is no exception. Here they were, impetuously trying to fulfill their campaign promise, but, judging from the span of time between which the promise of laptops were made to children in Trinidad and Tobago and the delivery of the first laptops, it is relatively easy for one to conclude that no research of the kind described above took place before the implementation of the eCal programme. One wonders - Was the eCAL programme a plan for gaining political mileage or was it a genuine effort to improve learning and teaching in our schools?

