
6年前 336次浏览 澳洲哲学论文代写:托尔斯泰认为已关闭评论



Tolstoy beliefs that there are two kinds of lives: the artificial life which is represented by Ivan, Praskovya, Peter, and nearly everyone in Ivan’s society and company; and the authentic life represented by Gerasim. The artificial life is characterized by superficial relationships, self-interest, and materialism. It is also inward-looking, not fulfilling, and eventually incapable of providing answers to the vital questions in life. The artificial life is a deception that hides life’s true meaning and leaves one terrified and alone at the moment of death. Alternatively, the authentic life is characterized by pity and compassion. The authentic life promotes reciprocally affirming human relationships that ends isolation and allows for true interpersonal contact. While the artificial life leaves one unaccompanied and empty, the authentic life embraces strength through unity and relieve through empathy. Thus it creates bonds and gets one read to meet death.The authentic life is not the right life because of the following reasons: empathizing with one does not relieve pain; there’s no total self-sacrificing love for others and no true interpersonal contact, this is evident when Gerasim considers that just empathizing with Ivan’s plight and relieving his isolation is more important than the physical support of holding Ivan’s legs. Also, there’s no genuine personal involvement because compassion and love must go both ways; both must benefit from the relationship

