
6年前 353次浏览 澳洲中央昆士兰论文代写:防止和遏制校园欺凌已关闭评论



Parents play a vital role in prevents and curb school bullying. A loving and caring family always can show support to the child. Parents should raise the awareness among themselves in order to protect their child from danger. Everyone has the responsibility in solving the problem. Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the school immediately to make sure their child is safe. Parents should educate the values and the right things to the child. Parent's attitude and ways in bringing up the child determined the child either to be a useful person or a bully in the society. Parents should try to communicate with their child, understand them, listen to their feelings and find the major problem in their child. If the child is timid, lack of interactions with peers, parents should arrange their child to participate in positive social groups which able to meet his or her interests. In order to develop their child's special skills and self confidence in the social group can be very helpful. Parents should work hand in hand with school by suggesting that the school to implement an anti-bullying program.

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