Business Assignment 代写:业务流程外包

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Business Assignment 代写:业务流程外包








Business Assignment 代写:业务流程外包

Business process outsourcing (BPO) has emerged as one of the leading business and economic issues of our time. A natural extension of the free-trade movement that has been a dominant force in global economics over the past two decades, BPO has been met with mixed reactions. Workers whose lives have been disrupted because their jobs have been outsourced to lower-wage workers overseas have understandably decried "offshoring" as a threat to their way of life.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is defined simply as the movement of business processes from inside the organization to an external service provider. With the global telecommunications infrastructure now well established and consistently reliable, BPO initiatives often include shifting work to international providers.

Because of the job shift that accompanies the quest to employ the highest-value talent, BPO has been both hailed and vilified. Business executives and owners praise it as a way to eliminate business processes that are not part of their organization's core competence. Back-office functions, such as payroll and benefits administration, customer service, call center, and technical support, are just a few of the processes that organizations of all sizes have been able to outsource to others who specialize in those areas.

Removing these functions from their internal operations enables organizations to reduce payroll and other overhead. In an era when executives have been admonished by business commentators and analysts to focus on core competencies, BPO offers an opportunity to achieve that goal in a dramatic new way.

Far East, businesses of all types and sizes are now shifting back-office jobs to international locations such as China, India, Philippines, Mexico and Brazil where labor is inexpensive and highly skilled. In the past several years, companies have turned to these regions for increasingly sophisticated tasks such as financial analysis, software design, tax preparation, and even the creation of content-rich products (e.g., newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, and sales kits).

Brazil is well known for its stamina, skill and flair on the football pitch, usually leaving the rest of the world competing for second place. But far removed from these football certainties is how well Brazil will fare in a newer contest now taking place across the business world -- the contest to be the next location for offshoring of IT and business process services.

When searching for a suitable offshore location, client organizations need to scrutinise a comprehensive set of indicators, including labor costs and political, economic and social risks, among others. For Brazil to stand out as the "right decision," it needs to provide a compelling answer to each of these points.


