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In the six decades before the late eighteenth/nineteenth century, economic growth in Great Britain was either slow or non-existent. This was marked by a non-existent change in income levels and productivity. A main reason why economic growth was so slow during this time period was that "Britain tried to do two things at once - industrialize and fight expensive wars, and she simply did not have the resources to do both." However, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, Great Britain started stepping towards becoming a modern industrial nation. As W. Rostow would say, England moved from a traditional society towards reaching an age of mass consumption. "The industrial revolution transformed Great Britain from a nation of agricultural villages into a nation of factory towns." There were many key reasons why the industrial revolution took off. One of them was the decline of the manorial system, where communal farming was abandoned for the more productive family farms. Another was the improvement of technology across all industries. With the help of enhanced transportation technology such as railroads and canals, trade within and beyond England expanded and flourished. Following these changes was the introduction of the factories. The first industry to develop factories was the textile industry, and soon other industries such as the mining and agriculture ones soon followed. The socioeconomic and cultural implications the revolution had on England during the 18th and 19th centuries was grand. With an increase of productivity and output, many institutions were created in order to regulate the industries, purchasing power for Great Britain increased, and with the opening of factories there was mass migration from rural areas to urban city centers. There were unfortunate effects of the revolution as well, for example, the living standards in some cases decreased drastically and working conditions, especially for children were horrifying.

在第十八年底前的六个十年/第十九个世纪,大不列颠岛的经济增长要么是缓慢的或不存在的。这是一个不存在的收入水平和生产力的变化。一个主要的原因,经济增长是如此之慢,在这段时间内,“英国试图在一次工业化打昂贵的战争做了两件事,她根本没有这样做的资源。然而,在第十八世纪开始,大不列颠岛开始走向成为一个现代化的工业国家。W. Rostow说,英格兰从传统社会到大众消费时代。”工业革命把大不列颠岛从一个农业村的一个国家变成了一个工业城镇的国家,“工业革命的主要原因有很多。他们一个是庄园制度衰落,其中公共农场被遗弃了的生产力更高的家庭农场。另一个是在所有行业的技术改进。在铁路和运河等增强运输技术的帮助下,英格兰和之间的贸易扩大和繁荣。以下这些变化是工厂的介绍。第一个发展工厂的工业是纺织工业,很快其他的工业,如采矿业和农业产业,很快就被紧随其后了。在第十八和第十九个世纪的革命对英格兰的社会经济和文化的影响是伟大的。随着生产力的提高和产量的增加,许多机构被创造,以规范产业,大不列颠岛的购买力增加,并随着工厂的开放,从农村到城市中心的大规模迁移。有革命的不幸的影响,例如,在某些情况下,生活水平的急剧下降和工作条件,尤其是对孩子们是很可怕的事。澳洲论文代写

