Computer Science 代写 Fuzzy Object Relational Approach

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Computer Science 代写 Fuzzy Object Relational Approach

中文简介:在应用开发领域,面向对象模型正成为广泛的选择。这出现了由于高的开放能力的对象模型,和快速的应用程序开发能力的面向对象的语言,因为高代码的可重用性水平,实现了面向对象的模型的关键概念:继承,封装和多态性(不同的使用方式)[ 1 ]。


如今,商业数据库管理系统(数据库管理系统)的移动向考虑对象-关系数据库模型,由于可以提交给最终用户的优势。面向对象的关系数据库管理系统(oordbms)加入一个面向对象数据模型的强大的建模能力和鲁棒性的证明的关系模型。关系型数据库管理系统结合面向对象的软件更好,提供面向对象的应用程序直接对象持久化功能[ 2 ]。


在过去的十年中市场软件开发特别是这些应用程序依赖于采取模糊对象关系型数据库的数据库(待遇确定)模型的优点。与ORDBMSs和他们的新的模糊数据管理扩展的面向对象的应用程序透明的集成,结合商业应用程序创建增强的数据管理能力,使他们能够存储和查询数据的不精确信息的使用灵活的条件很容易[ 1 ]。




To find an approach that could provide the proper method for solving the problem of fuzziness of the real-estate & banking data whereas figures such as maps on the GIS systems and the archived checks and vouchers in banking business can be selected as the object of customer and sales men to research for specific criterions.

This paper considered the fuzziness of such business due to the suitability of objects attributes to fuzzy treatment, where the high level of fuzziness in their values.


To use the OORDBMS technology to resolve issues arising because of fuzziness & unclearness of real-estate and banking data.


People are not always receptive to introduction of new technologies. So care should be taken to educate and keep all the staff informed of the changes being brought about because of the Database technology and at the same time to convey the many benefits of Object-Oriented Relational Database Management System (OORDBMS).


Implementing Object-Orient Relational Database Management System (OORDBMS) Models whereas business dealing with fuzziness, unclearness, and complex data and presenting online services and storing archived data.


Academic research paper on Key features of Object Database, Key benefits, and business implementation fields




Relational Database Management System


Object-Oriented Relational Database Management System


Object Database Management System




User Defined Data Types


Fuzzy Object-Relational Database


Fuzzy Object Relational Database Management System


In the field of application development, Object Oriented Model is becoming the widespread option. This emerged due to the high open capabilities of object models, and the quick application development capabilities of OO languages, because of the high code reusability level achieved by the OO model key concepts: inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism (the varied ways of usage) [1].

By way of this achievement, database models are changing to include OO concepts in order to take advantage of the OO model benefits.

Nowadays, the commercial database Management System (DBMS) move toward considering Object Relational Database Model due to the advantage that could be presented to the end users. Object-Oriented Relational Databases Management systems (OORDBMS) join the powerful modeling capabilities of an OO data model and the proved robustness of the relational model. ORDBMSs integrate much better with OO software, offering to OO applications direct object persistence functionality [2].

One of the significant key features of OORDBMSs is extensibility. Using OO concepts, OORDBMS functionality may be extended by means of User defined Data Types UDDTs, which allow transparent integration of user defined data structures and data processing, all of this encapsulated as a unit[3].

Over the last decade the market of software development especially these applications depend on databases taken advantages of fuzzy object-relational database (FORDB) models. The transparent integration of OO applications with ORDBMSs and their new fuzzy data management extensions, combine to create enhanced data management capabilities for commercial applications, allowing them to store imprecise information and query data using flexible conditions easily [1].

Business such as real-estate management process or the archived checks and vouchers in banking business can be selected as the object of our research, because of the suitability of objects attributes to fuzzy treatment, due to the high level of fuzziness in their values. Which attributes are suitable for fuzzy handling will be examined, and also, the way to represent them in the framework [1,3]

This paper propose to explain the key features of fuzzy data and to shows how the use of OORDBMS data management capabilities to improve the user-application interaction in offer-searching systems, allowing sellers to express their offers as imprecisely as they need, and buyers to express their queries as flexibly as they want. This way of expressing queries and offers, makes the interaction with the systems more natural, emulating the flexible process applied by sales agent to match offers and demands.

