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格里菲斯大学论文代写:Role Of Inter Professional Practice In Contemporary



在过去的跨专业的合作实践一直是困难的,有许多缺点,这造成了涉及的不同专业之间的问题。这在过去已经导致了灾难性的悲剧在Victoria Climbie的情况。共同的责任是重要的有效的合作,所有的专业人员都应该问责。每一个职业都应该互相支持,而不是对自己感兴趣,而没有一个职业比另一个职业更高。一些可能发生的问题是,当没有一个逻辑分布的权力。功率分配不均可压迫”(Payne,2000,引用了巴雷特等人,2005,p.23),可以限制一些小组成员参与。权力斗争植根于职业传统和社会差异。认为社会工作的一些批评,社会工作者经常位于设置在他们认为下属其他更成熟的专业组(啤酒和牛奶,1980,引用Wilson et al,2008,p.401)。目前已在医学界和库克等人被困,(2001,引用了巴雷特等人,2005,p.23)认为,“一般的医生感到一种权力的再分配的威胁和有问题让他们举行传统的权力基础”。在过去,社会工作被描述为一个半职业和类似于护理教学和不具有可比性的“学专业医学或法律没有这些职业所需的特征(弗莱德森1994)。佩恩(2000引巴雷特等人,2005,p.23)标识为“人民得到他们想要的东西的能力”。在跨专业的合作实践中的权力应该是共享和分布式的,没有层次的权力应该存在。如果一些专业人士认为自己是比另一个更强大的,他们不满足服务用户的需求。由于领土和不共享信息和知识一直是一个问题,在跨专业的合作实践。莫利纽克斯(2001,引用了巴雷特等人,2005,P20)的发现,专业人士有信心在自己的角色能够灵活工作,跨专业而感到嫉妒或威胁’。”专业的成人”是一个由莱德勒表达(1991,引用Barratt et al,2005,页)描述的专业人士,在他们自己的角色的信息共享和与其他专业人士进行有效沟通的信心。这些专业人士不觉得放弃他们的知识和理解进一步增强良好的跨专业协作实践领土。斯台普顿(1998,引用了巴雷特等人,2005,页)认为,“相结合的个人和专业的信心,使个人能够坚持自己的观点和挑战别人的观点。如果您在昆士兰州留学遇到学术难题或没空来写作业,欢迎体验我们的 布里斯班论文代写 服务

格里菲斯大学论文代写:Role Of Inter Professional Practice In Contemporary

This essay will outline and explain why inter professional collaborative practice in social work is important. It will also examine key factors that help or hinder effective inter professional collaborative practice. It will explain why it is important that professionals work together and effectively as a team and the consequences that can occur when professionals fail to collaborate successfully.

Social workers have certain ethical obligations to society that they must follow and this comes in the form of The British Association of Social Work (BASW) Code of Ethics and the National Occupational Standards for social workers. The Code of Ethics follow five basic values, Human Dignity and Worth, Social Justice, Service to Humanity, Integrity and Competence whilst the National Occupational Standards outline the standards of conduct and practice to which all social workers should adhere to. Whilst working in collaboration with other professionals, social workers should follow these Codes and Standards to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved for the service user.

In the past inter professional collaborative practice has been difficult with many disadvantages and that this has caused problems between the different professions involved. This has in the past led to catastrophic tragedies as in the case of Victoria Climbie. Shared accountability is important for effective collaboration and all professionals should be accountable. Each profession should support one another, not be seen as self interested and that no one profession is higher than another. Some of the problems that can occur are when there is not a logical distribution of power. 'Unequal power distribution can be oppressive' (Payne, 2000, cited in Barrett et al, 2005, p.23) and can limit participation for some group members. Struggles for power are rooted in professional tradition and social difference. It is believed by some critics of social work that 'social workers have often been located in settings where they were considered as subordinate to other more established professional groups' (Brewer and Lait, 1980, cited in Wilson et al, 2008, p.401). Traditionally there have been difficulties within the medical profession and Cooke et al, (2001, cited in Barrett et al, 2005, p.23) suggests that 'general practitioners felt threatened by a redistribution of power and had problems letting go of their traditionally held power base'. Social work in the past has been described as a semi profession and similar to nursing and teaching and not comparable to the 'learned profession of medicine or law as it does not have the required features of those professions' (Freidson 1994). Payne (2000 cited in Barrett et al, 2005, p.23) identifies this as 'people's capacity to get what they want'. Power in inter professional collaborative practice should be shared and distributed and no hierarchy of power should exist. If some professionals see themselves as more powerful than another they are not meeting the needs of the service user. Being territorial and not sharing information and knowledge has long been a problem in inter professional collaborative practice. Molyneux (2001, cited in Barrett et al, 2005, p20) 'found that professionals who were confident in their own role were able to work flexibly across professional boundaries without feeling jealous or threatened'. 'Professional adulthood' was an expression used by Laidler (1991, cited in Barratt et al, 2005, p.20) to describe professionals who were confident in their own role to share information and communicate effectively with other professionals. These professionals do not feel territorial about relinquishing their knowledge and understanding to further enhance good inter professional collaborative practice. Stapleton (1998, cited in Barrett et al, 2005, p.20) suggests that 'a combination of personal and professional confidence enables individuals to assert their own perspectives and challenge the viewpoints of others'.


