Social Work Essay 代写: Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First
第一是住房公共政策是一种替代一个急救方舱/过渡房进行系统(关于我们/ AAA关于我们。shtml)。它是无家可归的家庭能够回到永久性住房。这是先尽快取得房屋,然后提供咨询。重点对干预提供社会服务后的房屋已获得而不是提供临时住所或过渡房第一(关于我们/ AAA关于我们。shtml)。相反,其他的程序,导致无家可归者的问题先解决的问题,帮助人获得住房,因此,这个公共政策住房的名称首先。例如,许多社会或公共政策的功能首先将无家可归的人从街上的公共住房,从公共住房到过渡住房计划,并从那里到他们自己的公寓。在房屋第一或快速的住房,无家可归的人首先被安置在一个公寓或房子,然后引脚指向的问题,导致成为无家可归。联邦政府使用这一政策来指导联邦政策来打击无家可归者的问题,通过租金援助,住房稳定。2009预防和快速再无家可归住房计划(hPRP)提供无家可归预防
援助的家庭,否则会成为无家可归者,并提供快速重新住房援助的人谁是无家可归的麦金尼文托无家可归者援助法案103节定义(42 U.S.C. 11302)。在2008国会拨出美元麦金尼文托无家可归者援助赠款2500万2008演示快速住房项目有效性降低无家可归的家庭
Social Work Essay 代写: Social Policy On Homelessness Housing First
Housing First is a public policy it is an alternative to a system of emergency shelter/transitional housing progressions( about us/aaa about us.shtml).It focuses homeless families to be able to move back into permanent housing. This is done first acquiring housing as soon as possible then providing counseling. It also focuses on intervention providing social services after the housing has been acquired rather than providing temporary shelter or transitional housing first ( about us/aaa about us.shtml). In contrast to other programs where the issues that lead the person to homelessness are addressed first before helping the person acquire housing hence the name given to this public policy Housing First. For example many social or public policies function first by getting the homeless person from the street to public shelter, from public shelter to transitional housing program and from there to their own apartment. In the housing first or rapid housing the homeless person is first placed in an apartment or house then pin pointing the issues that lead to become homeless. The federal government uses this to guide federal policies in attacking the problem of homelessness by rent assistance, housing stabilization. In 2009 The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) provides homelessness prevention
assistance to households that would otherwise become homeless, and provides rapid re-housing assistance to persons who are homeless as defined by section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302).In 2008 Congress appropriated $25 million in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants for 2008 to demonstrate the effectiveness of rapid re-housing programs to reduce family homelessness