计算机科学论文代写 Agile Software Development On The Android Platform

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计算机科学论文代写 Agile Software Development On The Android Platform


Pedotrac is a health and fitness application for android based phones, which has elegant features and also a fun way of maintaining fitness right through the android phones. Pedotrac can be installed on android mobile devices that have sensors and GPS capabilities.

Pedotrac has following functionalities:

Keeps track of the users' distance.

Alert them during the half-way point in their path.

Counts number of steps and steps per minute.

Counts the speed of the user.

Counts the calories burnt by the user.

Gives users option of Google maps for finding their fine location.

This implementation is done by using Google Android SDK, java and Google APIs that are designed especially for android devices.

The later sections start with agile software development, followed by android platform and the next section describes system architecture followed by lessons learnt and references.

Agile Software Development:

Agile development is a way of breaking large and complex tasks into smaller modules with minimal planning and avoids long term planning. The modules are iterations of short time frames that range between one to four weeks. Though it is short term planning, the iteration includes all the software development cycle methods starting from planning to requirements, analysis, design, coding, unit testing and also acceptance testing to ensure that a working product is finally delivered after integration. This agile development method minimizes the risk involved in the project, makes it easier to adapt changes quickly thereby reducing the problem of changing the entire project and developing from the scratch if a large project is taken up as it is.

The agile methods involve face to face communication with a smaller group of people working on smaller modules there by contacting each other through emails, voice etc. Since the present project is developed by a single person, there are no teams but the whole task is divided into 5 smaller modules each of which is a separate story and is discussed in the coming sections.

User Stories in Agile development:

Storytelling or user stories [*3]is a way to describe a problem in the user point of view by narrating each detail of the problem in not too long or too short description. The following are the brief listing of the agile story telling.

Write brief character sketches making them customer focused.

One easy way to do this is to make the customer write the requirements or else the developer has to role play. This should contain main points and viewpoint characters.

Describe each character and make it elevator-friendly.

A good user story should be developed in such a way that it has to be so brief that it could be explained to the other party while on an elevator, but still should be self-explanatory.

Not too big but not too small:

Each scene has to be expanded and explained in hundred to three hundred words which could be called a "draft zero". At the end of this draft zero, we should be able to see the story taking a form.

Refine and Rewrite:

The story that has been formed in draft zero has to be refined and re-written incorporating necessary changes thus making it a new draft called draft one.

Make the draft testable:

The story should be such that it could be tested. Clear statements in the story make it testable and objectively verifiable.

Revise the manuscript and edit:

The manuscript should be frequently revised and edit it till the final version is perfect so that any small or large problems are fixed and ready for release.

The Android platform:

Developers have been using four versions of Android namely:

Android 1.5 (Cupcake)

Android 1.6 (Donut)

Android 2.1 (Eclair)

Android 2.2 (FroYo)

3.1 History of Android:

Android is an operating system designed especially for mobile devices, initially developed by Android inc., that which later was purchased by Google in 2005. Android is a modified version of Linux kernel. The members of Open Handset alliance and Google collaborated to release and develop the Android. Android is further tasked for maintenance and development by an open source project called Android open source project (AOSP). The currently available 100,000 apps or application programs are developed by a large community of developers to extend the functionality of the devices. These apps are written in Java language by the developers and control the device via Google-developed Java libraries. The unveiling of android distribution on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 78 hardware, software and telecom companies that devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. The android code was released by Google under free software and an open source license called the Apache license.

This Android operating system software is a set of Java applications that run on a Java based object oriented application framework on top of Java core libraries running on a Dalvik virtual machine featuring JIT compilation. This Android operating system consists of 12 million lines of code in which 3 million are XML, 2.8 million of C, 2.1 million of Java and 1.75 million lines C++ code.

The unit sales for Android based smart phones ranked first among all smart phone OS handsets sold in the US in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2010 with market share of 43.6 %.

