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The word 'team' is defined as "a group in which the individuals have a common aim and in which the jobs and skills of each member fit in with those of others, as- to take a very mechanical and static analogy." By Bernard Babington Smith (1) When I was first assign to my group we could only be defined as a 'work group" and not a 'team', even though we shared a common task, this is because we do not know each other therefore it was impossible to use the skills of each member. We would like to develop into a team because "in the world of health and social care no one individual has all the skills to fulfil all roles." (4) For the presentations to be successful, it was vital to get everyone involved, as each member possesses expertise in their area of study and this proved useful when it came to assigning members to areas of research. For that reason, our facilitated sessions gave us the opportunity to develop the foundation of our 'team building'. At the beginning of the session, before we did anything else we were told to play a game, which was called 'Helium Rod'. This was a game to demonstrate the importance of 'team work', as it required us to communicate and work together in order to lower the rod to the floor. We were also told to give short introductions to other members of the group and to tell others three things that about ourselves that were not obvious. Through those exercises, others were able to find out more about the "hidden area" (Fig2) of me through telling. In addition increase in sense of 'trust' and 'security' towards other members, as "significant communication does not occur until some relationship of trust is established" and "people like and need a sense of security from understanding where they stand in relation to others". (1) When we planned the game design, we went round the table asking each person to give their ideas for the game. This gave the opportunity for everyone to give his or her ideas and point of views. Then as the discussion progressed, conclusion was reached and a scope of the game was decided. There were fours major areas of research, which had to be carried out, and because there were nine of us in the group, we have agreed to have three groups of twos and a group of threes to research the four areas. There are risks within this sub-grouping approach as conflicts can occur due to lack of 'communication' and 'mistrust' between groups. The relationship between groups will further deteriorate as "mistrust create less and worse communication, which in turn breed more mistrust." (1) We took the risk as we trusted other members in the group and in the end, it produced a positive result. "Leadership involves focusing the efforts of a group of people towards a common goal and enabling them to work together as a team." (1) Hence, team leadership can have a key impact on the way a team works. This was a problem faced by my group at early stages, as there was no leader in the group. None of the members in my group was confident enough to take up the role, as the majority of them were introverts. The solution to this problem was not to have a single leader; instead we took on the leadership role as a group so we have equal responsibilities. We managed to motivated and helped each other towards our goal very well and there was not any problem with having no leader.

