教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

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教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

Throughout history, the human race has had a genuine interest in education and some have suggested that teaching is one of the oldest professions known to man. Children are born void of much knowledge, in that they are illiterate and ignorant of many things that are considered the norms and achievements of a society in which they have been placed. With the aid of teachers and educational resources, children begin learning the basic skills to read, write, and socially interact in a culturally diverse society in a very short period of time (Rozycki 1999). The purpose of education is to equip and prepare individuals with the skills and tools necessary to follow their dreams while allowing them to participate and compete in their society as independent citizens. Education is also an avenue that will prepare individuals to think for themselves as well as make moral and ethical decisions. The way in which educators teach their students is usually built around some sort of philosophy or a number of philosophies. Educational philosophy is a controversial subject that not everyone totally agrees on. But nevertheless philosophy has become the basis of educational styles and has enabled teachers to develop certain educational principles as they relate to students and schools (Webb, Metha, & Jordan 2010). My philosophy of education does not center around just one philosophy but instead is the result of many influences such as personal experience, instruction, intuition, and a combination of philosophies used by educators of the past. I hope to teach elementary grades 1-4, because I want to touch a child's life early in their development so that I will have an instrumental part in helping them build a solid foundation that will lead to their success in life.

There are many diverse meanings as to what the purpose of education should be because many educators define the purpose of education around their own values and experiences. Because of the differences in beliefs, the experiences of learners in today's schools will also be different. In my opinion, many times schools put too much emphasis on SAT and other test scores in defining the purpose of education. This is a mistake because the purpose of education to me entails more than a test score. I believe the aim of education is to attempt to instill a desire for learning and teach children how to think for themselves rather than what to think. Within every child is a need to be love, respected, and shown acts of kindness in order to unlock and cultivate the treasures and gifts placed in them. I also feel education should be a means to equip learners on developing their minds so that they can become productive citizens in an ever growing and changing society. I want to leave children with a desire to persistently ask questions thereby continually seek more knowledge. My beliefs about education encompass the whole person therefore this will lay at the heart of my teaching behaviors.

I believe a schools purpose should be one that desires to equip all learners to be productive citizens in their local community as well as have the ability to compete in the economic global society. Schools should provide multiple learning opportunities that would offer each student a high quality of education along with promoting respect for diversity, equality, and social fairness (Webb, Metha, & Jordan 2010). Schools have the ability to provide a social setting which would stimulate students to act as a member of a unity instead of a single entity. John Dewey was an educational leader of the 1800's who

believed that the demands placed on a child in a social setting brings out the child's inherent powers. It is through these channels of demands that individuals learn to act in harmony with society as a whole thereby rising out of their narrow minded world of actions and feelings into the unity of a group in which they belongs. Dewey also believes schools should not only be a place for acquiring strictly educational knowledge, but also a place that provides moral education in an effort to produce ethical, productive citizens (Noddings 1998). A school's purpose should also be one that aims to provide a safe environment that encourages knowledge while at the same time nurtures the development and growth of each individual.

教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

