教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

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教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

My Personal Philosophy of Education 9

positive attitude, motivation and respect are character traits that ultimately are up to the student to acquire for their long-term success. I believe infants and young children are intrinsically motivated to learn which is often seen in the form of curiosity and an immense desire to explore their environment. Unfortunately, when children get older the motivation seems to dwindle. When children come from a loving and nurturing environment, they will tend to take risk and have a better attitude toward their education verses when children exhibit low self-worth and fear failure. Goal setting as well as the reviewing the teaching methods used by the teacher will impact the child's motivation to learn.

Child abuse and child neglect in the home are two risk factors that can cause a young child to miss a lot of school and fall below grade level academic achievement. If I ever suspect child maltreatment, immediate intervention must take place for their safety as well as success in school. Victims of children abuse will often exhibit a number of different behavior changes including anger, aggression, withdrawal, anxiety, or fear (Webb, Metha & Jordan 2010). The first moral and legal thing I would do is to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Next, I believe programs should be set up in the schools to educate children on what is appropriate discipline and what is not, and in the case of sexual abuse, what is the appropriate touch and what is not. Sometimes children are afraid and do not know a way out. It is important that a child feels safe and comfortable enough to confide in a teacher so that appropriate measures can be taken to stop the abuse. Also I would recommend the child to the school counseling department to help him/her work through the problems.

My Personal Philosophy of Education 10


One of the most important things that a teacher needs to be successful is a teaching philosophy. My philosophy of education is centered on three mutually supporting concepts: relationships, environment, and feedback. I believe when there is a positive student-teacher relationship; the child is much more apt to excel in school. Children need know they are loved and valued and it is up to me, as their teacher, to treat each with respect, dignity, and equality. I believe the learning environment should be democratic, in that it is a place of shared responsibilities. The student has the responsibility to do what it takes to learn while the teacher acts as a guide. I must welcome diversity and provide an environment which allows all learners to have an equal voice. As a teacher, feedback is necessary for me, and can be obtained in a variety of ways. Not only is feedback good in assessing students but it also gives me pertinent information on the teaching strategies that I am using. This will cause me to continually strive to find better, learner centered, approaches to teaching. The elements of my philosophy will be the source of the enthusiasm for creating this type of environment and of the passion for teaching and my own ongoing learning. These two emotions, enthusiasm and passion, coupled with student success, will become the foundation of my teaching practice and my desire to stay in the game for many years to come.

教育论文代写 Assessment on a Teachers Personal Philosophy of Education

