
8年前 347次浏览 堪培拉大学代写作业:从理论走向管理已关闭评论 , ,


从它第一次作为Leo Kanner的一个明显的障碍(1943)、孤独症研究继续解释其原因。许多理论和临床研究的发展。然而,他们没有一个似乎是决定性的。虽然这是互换视为精神分裂症,最近它被定义为一个不同的疾病,有其自身的特点。管理领域仍然是具有挑战性的。在本文中,我将讨论不同的解释自闭症的理论。然后,我将总结不同的学习方法和方法,用于自闭症儿童的基础上不同的理论和想法。






Since it first identified as a distinct disorder by Leo Kanner (1943), autism studies continued to explain its causes. Many theories and clinical studies evolved. However, none of them seem to be conclusive. Although it was interchangeably considered as schizophrenia, recently it is defined as a distinct disorder that has its own characteristics. The field of management is still challenging. In this paper I am going to discuss different theories that explain autism. Then, I am going to summarize different learning approaches and methods used for autistic children based on the different theories and ideas.

Autism is part of the autistic spectrum disorders. It is originated from the Greek word "autos" which means "self".1 Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills (ASA).2 There are five autism spectrum disorders labeled as pervasive developmental disorder (DSM IV).

There is no known single cause for autism. Many theories evolved to explain the possible causes. There are many different cognitive and psychological thoughts describe the autism symptoms. On the other hand, new beliefs developed which explain the autism symptoms as caused by genetic or environmental influences. Controversial ideas like the effect of diet and vaccines on the development of autism symptoms recognized as hot topics for the last few years.

Autism, as per the definition, consists mainly of three main categorical symptoms which include behavioral, communication and social aspects. The severity of the symptoms fluctuates from one child to other.

Treatment approaches and methods vary widely according to the teaching center and to the autistic child assessment of needs and symptoms. There are many behavioral and cognitive modalities in dealing with autistic children. Recently, many therapies introduced for the management of autism symptoms such as diet therapy and drugs therapy. None of these therapies appear superior to others. It is the child condition and needs that judge.


