
8年前 346次浏览 昆士兰大学ASSIGNMENT代写:选举是一个重要的制度支柱已关闭评论


选举是自由民主的一大制度支柱。他们是政治过程的“主导因素”,为行使与民主相关的人民的基本权利提供平台--言论、协会、选择和运动等的自由。他们还形成了个人的政治过程中的参与权。对于人民群众,他们是机会,使政治领导人对他们的管理负责,在他们执政的时间,以及受他们的权力作为国家的最终主权。选举是一个办公室的竞争,根据一个指定的人在投票箱的指定机构的偏好的正式表达。[ 1 ] Yogesh Atal曾观察到,“选举计算民意。”[ 2 ]因此,选举代表人民的力量和对政府权威的合法性提供。在选举中,Norman D. Palmer的重要性,已观察到的:


大众选举是有代表性的民主的核心。并且,举行定期选举是基于人民的积极利益的有代表性的民主的标志。民主要求“最大限度的参与国家的民主进程的群众参与运作。”[ 4 ]这是“中央民主程序的选择和控制的领导。”[ 5 ]选举中,公民的偏好和政客进行政治行动的情节,基于他们过去的社记录和他们未来的承诺,与互动。【6】在Robert A. Dhal看来,“选举是保证政府会相对负责非领导核心技术。”[ 7 ]政治课看到选举为更新授权行使合法权力的机会。从这个意义上说,选举是一个连接群众的政治阶层的重要桥梁。[ 8 ]此外,越来越多的民主选举的承诺,也是一个越来越受欢迎的法治承诺的肯定。[ 9 ]民主,特别是自由的版本,可以被定义为“执政者在公共领域内对他们的行为负责的治理系统,通过他们选出的代表的竞争和合作间接作用于他们的行为”。


Elections are a major institutional pillar of liberal democracy. They are the 'dominant element' of political process as they provide the platform for exercising the basic rights of the people associated with democracy - freedom of speech, association, choice and movement and the like. They also form the individual's rights of participation in the political process. For the masses they are the opportunity to make the political leaders accountable for their stewardship during the time they were in power, as well as subject to their power as the final sovereign of the country. An election is a competition for office based on a formal expression of preferences by a designated body of people at the ballot box. [1] As Yogesh Atal had observed, "elections computes public opinion." [2] Therefore, elections signify the power of the people and provide legitimacy to the authority of the government. On the importance of elections, Norman D. Palmer, has observed:

Elections are particularly conspicuous and revealing aspect of most contemporary political systems. They highlight and dramatize a Political System, bringing its nature into sharp relief, and providing insights into other aspects of the system as a wholeâ

Popular elections are at the heart of representative democracy. And, that holding periodic election is the hallmark of representative democracy based on the active interest of the people. The functioning of democracy demands "maximum involvement and participation of the masses in democratic process of the country." [4] These are "the central democratic procedure for selecting and controlling leaders." [5] Elections are episodes of political action during which the preferences of citizens and the conduct of politicians, based on their past agency record and their prospective promises, intersects and interact. [6] In the opinion of Robert A. Dhal, "the election is the central technique for ensuring that government leaders will be relatively responsible to non-leaders." [7] The political class sees elections as an opportunity for renewing their mandate to exercise legitimate power. In this sense, elections constitute a vital bridge linking the masses to the political class. [8] In addition, growing commitment to democratic elections is also an affirmation of a growing popular commitment to the rule of law. [9] Democracy, particularly, its liberal version, may be defined as "a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realms of citizens, acting indirectly through competition and cooperation of their elected representatives.

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