拉筹伯大学论文代写: 临床神经心理学的历史

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拉筹伯大学论文代写: 临床神经心理学的历史


拉筹伯大学论文代写: 临床神经心理学的历史

The field of clinical neuropsychology emerged in the mid-21st century as a result of an urgent need to understand the relationship between brain, behavior and cognition, particularly abnormal brain functioning, that were lacking in other medical-based fields such as neurology (Bigler, 1991). However, the study of brain impairments and their associated behaviors had already begun in the late 1800s, long before the emergence of clinical neuropsychology. European neurologists and physicians at that time observed certain behaviors were consistently associated with focal brain lesions and these are referred to as brain-behavior relationships (Benton, 1988). As can be seen from the early work of Broca (1865) and Wernicke (1874), it was the goal to associate specific brain lesions with abnormal behavioral functioning and hence, localization became the basis of clinical neuropsychology. Of course, without the technology now that offers us non-invasive methods as well as neuropsychological assessments to study brain-behavior relationships, early neurologists and physicians alike could only rely on post-mortem brain analyses of patients. In the early 1970s however, localizations were based on electroencephalograms (EEGs), X-rays and neuropsychological assessments that were conducted before neurosurgeries were carried out (Ruff, 2003). Fortunately, with the advent of structural imaging such as x-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and functional imaging such as positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and functional MRI (fMRI), more correlative and prospective research can be done to supplement the limited findings that post-mortem analyses had provided (Tramo,). This is to say that neuroimaging methods contribute a great deal to the works in clinical neuropsychology. Although it may seem that neuropsychologists are no longer required to localize pathology, many still do and this will be evident later on in this paper. Neuroimaging techniques do not signal the beginning of the end to clinical neuropsychology but on the contrary, complement and assist the field in developing a more sophisticated and advance approach towards diagnosing, localizations and interventions.

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