洛杉矶作业代写 Market segmentation and its importance

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洛杉矶作业代写 Market segmentation and its importance 市场细分是细分市场的基础。在现实世界中,人类的需求和行为是非常不同的。不仅不同,而且有相似之处,因此,商人倾向于识别这些差异和相似性,并将其分为几个组。此后,生产商可以有效地管理这些群体。分割是有一组客户。大众营销意味着生产者只考虑相似之处。这意味着整个市场看起来像一个细分市场。在大规模定制生产商只考虑差异。因此,在这个时候个别客户的解决,将不会分割。分割是躺在大众营销和大规模定制。洛杉矶作业代写 Market segmentation and its importance

Importance of segmentation

Identify the customer needs and wants.

Give higher profit

Growth opportunities

Sustainable customer relationships in phase of customer life cycle.

Better communication.

Simulate innovation

Segmenting customer market

Segmenting to the customer market can be done in different four ways.

Geographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation

Psychographic segmentation

Behavioral segmentation

Geographic segmentation

Is the customer market divide based on different geographical units. That means customer market segment according to climate, state, region, cities, countries etc. From this Geographic segmentation producers can produce different products which are differ to each areas. Therefore they can easily change their products and can sell them in different areas easily. If there no segmentation based on Geographic then producers' some products not in use in some areas. Therefore their profit decrease and cost increase. To prevent that reason producers products and market them as segments.

Demographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into clusters based on factors such as age, income, occupation, gender, family size, education, religion, race and nationality. Customers needs and wants are more correlated with demographic factors than the others. When businesses segment their market according to Demographic segmentation age is a major factor. Companies think to produce products for children, teen agers, elders etc. From that segmenting producers can fulfill all kinds of customers with satisfying their own wants. In this segmentation producers can divide the customer market by using the gender. In this case society can be divide as female and male. Not only these two stages but also company can segment by income state also. According to that products can be produce to match with customers income states. Customers who has any levels of income gain can buy products and services because of this segmentation.

Psychographic segmentation

Psycliographic segmentation divides buyers into groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics. People in the same demographic group can have very different psychographic make-ups.

Behavioral segmentation

This describes about how people see on a product and the customers perception about the product before they consume it. For that purpose market divide into groups based on knowledge, attitude and respond to a product. In this segmentation have sub segmentations. Occasional segmentation is a one of sub segmentations. That means customer market divide according to occasions held in different periods in the year. And also this consider about the consumption moment, that consumers consume it.

Green marketing

Green Marketing Concepts is an opening concept to the business to do the right thing and be rewarded for it. Green marketing means do the marketing and produce products with highly thinking of the environment. As consumers they should can dispose the remaining products after they have used. Development recommend that businesses that don't classify as cost-effectively friendly or local in the next decade will risk being branded as low-rent or desperately out of date. Real and significant economic plunder await those who approach environmental and sustainable function with a genuine concern and good ideas.

Sometimes called "green marketing" between other things, the full impression is based upon the belief that being environmentally friendly might be part of the successful marketing approach of a product, service or something. Most consumers are confidence enough now to understand they have a "choose" with everything they obtain. Though still a alternative, there is a generous and ever-growing sector of the population that bases much of their expenditure judgments on their sensitivity of how a product will involve the surroundings and themselves.

When people buy products and services they expected the terms like Phosphate Free, Recyclable, Refillable, Ozone Friendly, and Environmentally Friendly are some of the terms customers most often correlate with green marketing. In general green marketing is a greatly broader thought one, that can be applied to buyer goods, business goods and even services. And also green marketing proposes business base line motivation and peak line development promises.

Why Are Firms Using Green Marketing ?

Organizations identify environmental marketing to be an occasion that can be used to attain its objectives

Organizations consider they have a honest responsibility to be more generally responsible

Governmental remains are forcing firms to become extra in charge

Participants' ecological behavior stress firms to change their environmental marketing behaviors

Cost factors connected with waste disposal, or decrease in material usage forces firms to transform their behavior

Elephant House Green Marketing

Elephant house company produce different types of soft drinks and ice cream. In Srilanka elephant house company is a very famous well branded soft drink company. Because they have identified the customer needs and also they have used green marketing concepts to market their products. Nowadays people have understood about the environment pollution and they tend to buy goods with environment friendly. Therefore elephant house company produce lots of natural flavor products such as lemonade, apple soda, mango ice cream, etc.

Not only that but also they use different techniques to green marketing. They used the eco friendly logo for their products' covers. It is telling about that producers consider about the environment and that product is also help to safe environment. That logo spread a message through consumers to protect the nature. Therefore that logo can consider as a green marketing concept. The elephant house company also disposes their disposal water of the company to a Safely manner like other companies. Therefore it does not so any harmful work to the environment.

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Elephant house company have awarded from the SLS certification. That certification gives to green marketers only. From this we can have a clear idea about that the elephant house is a green marketer. Therefore they awarded from that SLS.



Elephant house soft drink company can do lots of green works as we think. They can recycled and re use their glass bottles of drinks. And also they can produce cardboard ice cream cups instead of plastic yoghurt cups and they can recycled them to reuse. Not only that but also they can organize journeys, wild visits etc sponsored by elephant house. Then consumers' perceptions are modified with them. From those ideas elephant house company can be a good company in green marketing.

