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Hollenberg,赫利茨,Lindqvist,里瓦,伯姆,等。(2008)发现,恢复自主循环(ROSC)和生存率的概率大大增加,由于高质量的胸外按压。箱,沃森,艾迪生,克莱格和罗伯森(2008)发现改进的机会连续胸外按压患者心脏逆转电击心律失常如室性心动过速、心室颤动的脉搏。据透露,在胸外按压除颤停工前降低ROSC率,进一步加强胸部按压的重要性在努力复苏(冈德森kvaløY,Kramer Johansen,Steen & eftestøl,2009)。



Holzer, Bernard, Roine, Sterz & Mullner (2005) states that the prevalence of cardiac arrest in pre-hospital settings range between 0.04 per cent and 0.13 per cent of the entire population in most advanced nations. It is estimated that almost twenty thousand people lost their lives in Australia during the year 2009 because of cardiac arrest (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012).

Hollenberg, Herlitz, Lindqvist, Riva , Bohm , et al. (2008) have found that the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and survival rate probability greatly increases due to high quality chest compressions. Box, Watson, Addison, Clegg & Robertson (2008) observed that chest compressions improved the chances of successive cardiac reversion in patients with shockable dysrhythmias such as pulseless ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. It has been revealed that stoppage in chest compressions preceding defibrillation reduces the average probability of ROSC, further reinforcing the importance of chest compressions in efforts of resuscitation (Gundersen, Kvaløy, Kramer-Johansen, Steen & Eftestøl, 2009).

The improved outcomes of chest compressions during a cardiac arrest are well documented. Nonetheless, there is a developing argument about the impact of time wasted due to chest compressions preceding defibrillation in patients with shockable dysrhythmias, and whether postponing defibrillation for chest compressions has beneficial outcomes for the patient. Most of the previous trials have assessed postponing initial defibrillation for chest compressions as it has been linked to improvements for positive outcomes for the patient

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