Media Essay 代写 Loking At The Power Of Media

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Media Essay 代写 Loking At The Power Of Media



公众对这些国家没有任何权利加入适度的媒体如Zee TV或星空卫视亚洲。印度企业家们只是利用这一事实,并推出了过多的卫星频道。在1999个巴基斯坦政府允许私人电视和广播频道从巴基斯坦的土壤播出,直到这一次巴基斯坦的观众被用来印度娱乐。巴基斯坦政府试图消失的印度卫星频道在印度卫星频道气势吧课程普通巴基斯坦家庭电视休息室,但是都没有成功(Gholam khiabany,2003)。

在这个全球化的时代,大多数地区都受到商业化和不均匀的信息流的影响。全球化的最严重的受害者是发展中国家,这些国家是不均匀的信息流的受害者从城市国家。在南亚的情况是完全不同的,这一地区主要是由印度,它本身仍然是在新兴国家的类别。本文写作的思路是写关于非西方世界(Ziauddin Sardar,1993)。


Media Essay 代写 Loking At The Power Of Media

Media is one of the significant organs in forming national identities. For the last ten years media in subcontinent is conquered by India. To begin with the domination was in the form of movies but once the advent of satellite television they have altered the lives of people of subcontinent (Malhotra, Iqbal 2000).

Following the liberalization of Indian media Indian satellite channels principally entertainment channels were launched swiftly. This all started in 90's, at that time rest of the countries of South Asia together with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka etc were far behind India. Through that era they all were relying on national televisions. Television programming was going to full circle now. It started of with Doordarshan. Then comes satellite television. From local content it becomes more national (Sonwalkar. Prasun, 2001).

Public of these countries were not having any right of entry to moderate media like Zee TV or Star TV Asia. Indian entrepreneurs just took benefit of this fact and launched plethora of satellite channels one by one. In 1999 Pakistani government allowed private television and radio channels to be aired from the soil of Pakistan, until this time Pakistani audience were used to Indian entertainment. Pakistani government tried to vanish Indian satellite channels from the TV lounges of regular Pakistani family in the course of imposing bar on Indian satellite channels, but they were unsuccessful (Gholam Khiabany, 2003).

In this age of Globalization the majority of the regions are affected by commercialization and uneven stream of Information. The worst victims of Globalization are developing countries those are victims of uneven stream of information from urban countries. In South Asia case is totally different, this region is dominated by India, which itself still comes in the category of emergent country. The thought of writing this text is to write something about non-western world (Sardar, Ziauddin 1993).

India is improving in media industry, this is not only influencing Indian society but also its influence stretched to its neighbors, Pakistan Bangladesh, Nepal and even Sri Lanka is reliant on their media (David and Crawley, 2001).

