Social Work Essay 代写: 持续的客户互动和评估

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 Social Work Essay 代写: 持续的客户互动和评估



可以开始什么保健计划做任何猜想可能适合Simone我们做出关于护士技能的几个关键假设。我们将使用一些确定的Gerard Egan的属性(2010)在他的“技术助手”模型。首先,我们必须假设,通过沟通能力和核心价值观完成移情治疗关系的工作是可以建立。同时,所提出的讨论所涉及的各方所接受的适合Simone的喜好在审查方案的护理计划的建议。最后,我们必须假定,通过鼓励、激励和推理,Simone会同意护理、精神病和其他机构的参与。

 Social Work Essay 代写: 持续的客户互动和评估

The case study is based around a 69 year old female named Simone. After recent lapses in memory, orientation and changes in mood were disclosed to her GP she was further assessed and consequently diagnosed with early onset dementia. Simone lives with her 40 year old daughter in a semi detached bungalow in a quiet suburban area. Simone's daughter has paraplegia after an accident ten years ago. She is able to care for herself to a certain extent but does require occasional assistance from Simone. Simone's daughter also recently experienced bouts of depression which lasted several months. Recently Simone had an incident when she became disorientated on a trip to the local shops and had to be escorted home by a neighbour.

The role of the nurse in this case study is that of a community psychiatric nurse working with older adults. After meeting Simone and carrying out an initial assessment there are several pertinent pieces of information to continue with: Simone appears to be physically well and her home is clean and well equipped for both her and her daughter; She seems to understand where she is but at times can become flustered when unable to answer certain questions; Her daughter reports that, on a few recent occasions, Simone has burned food while cooking; She has no other family living locally and has lost touch with many of her friends since looking after her daughter; Simone states that she does not require any assistance at this time as she feels that she will be able to cope, however, she seems to be very anxious about her diagnosis and the consequences for her and her daughter and whether they will be able to continue managing to live at home.

To be able to begin to make any kind of conjecture on what plans of care may be suitable for Simone we have to make several key assumptions about the skill of the nurse. For this we will use some of the attributes identified by Gerard Egan (2010) in his 'skilled helper' model. Firstly we must assume that through accomplished communication skills and core empathic values a working therapeutic relationship is possible to establish. Also that the care plan proposals which are being put forward are ones that have been discussed and accepted by all involved parties as suitable to Simone's preferences after reviewing alternatives. Finally, we must presume that through encouragement, motivation and reasoning, Simone will consent to nursing, psychiatric and other agency involvement.

