
8年前 308次浏览 莫纳什大学代写ASSIGNMENT:B2b营销战略分析已关闭评论





Winter Warmth Inc. is a brand new company that has one main goal: keeping consumers warm in the winter. The weather was quite intolerable which prompted us to come up with a solution. This allowed them to stumble upon the idea for the product by wanting to create something to make the weather more bearable. I think we should focus on warming up our outer wear since that is the main source of heat once you step outside. They thought about producing heated winter jackets but after many hours of research determined this had already been done and the market wasn't quite there for the product. So instead they branched off to create a thin liner with the equipment manufactured inside that would fit inside any size of jacket. The liner would be designed to be put on underneath a consumer's jacket.

The product is made up of a thin liner with three heating pads, all of which have been designed inside a light cloth material so they don't weigh down the liner or jacket but the consumer won't feel the equipment directly. Two of the heating pads are long and narrow in order to go up the entire length of the arm inside a jacket. A third heating pad has been designed to cover the majority of the upper body by going from the right side of the jacket onto the back and end on the left side of the jacket. This way the main areas of the jacket are covered thoroughly with heat. The three pads are all connected by a wire that extends to a remote that holds the lithium battery inside that allows the heat to be generated onto the pads. The remote has been designed to attach to the pad that covers the majority of the jacket so that it can fit easily inside the pocket of the jacket allowing for easy accessibility.

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