从S.J. Gray的第三个假说认为:在不确定性规避低个人主义和阳刚之气的高国稳健性高等级。霍夫斯泰德值表明,保守主义在土耳其土耳其排名高。这一想法意味着土耳其人喜欢在他们的测量是保守的,允许一个不确定的未来,而不是采取一种乐观的方法,可能是不准确的。
Modern day Turkey has its roots in the former Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire had begun in the 13th century and stretched across the Middle East, including parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Ottoman Empire largely collapsed after defeat in the First World War.
According the Turkey's Hofstede values, it does not fall into the professional category. At the other end of the spectrum from professionalism is statutory control; an idea stating that the people of Turkey prefer a more rule-based approach with less judgment exercised.
Gray's second hypothesis states that the higher a country scores uncertainty avoidance and power distance and lower it scores in individualism, the more likely the country will value uniformity. Turkey's Hofstede values indicate that Turkey does in fact have high uniformity. According to Gray, Turks value a uniform and consistent approach, rather than adjusting to individual circumstances.
The third hypothesis from S.J. Gray says that a country high in uncertainty avoidance and low in individualism and masculinity will rank high in conservatism. Hofstede values for Turkey indicate that Turkey does rank high in conservatism. This idea means that Turks prefer to be conservative in their measurements, allowing for an uncertain future, rather than taking an optimistic approach that may be less accurate.
Gray's last hypothesis states that a country that is high in power distance and uncertainty avoidance, and low in individualism and masculinity is a country that is high in secrecy. Turkey is likely to be high in secrecy according to its Hofstede values. According to Gray, Turks value confidentiality in business information.
Together, Gray's hypothesis theorize that Turkey is a country valuing statutory control, uniformity, conservatism, and secrecy. This puts Turkey on par with other Muslim countries in the Middle East such as Iran and Pakistan.
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