Psychology Essay 代写:Happy People Are Crazy

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Psychology Essay 代写:Happy People Are Crazy

“建议将幸福作为一种精神障碍”,Richard P. Bentall,在利物浦大学临床心理学系高级讲师,认为幸福”符合合理标准精神障碍”(Bentall,97)因为,本陶是一位心理学家,他给出的说法是有一定可信度的,他在心理学领域非常熟悉,所以他给出的说法是学术公信力。Bentall的许多地区,“幸福”的定义符合除外精神障碍。虽然,Bentall引用学术证据,他缺乏变化的原因包括“幸福”作为一种疾病。该无法给出一个明确的、幸福”的具体定义,并且他使用假连接处所,削弱了他的论点。同时,由于Bentall的场所主要是间接性、科学性和崇高,与他讨论了“幸福”,(同时充分意识到许多反对他会遇到),可以推断,Bentalls的说法在本质上是讽刺。Bentall解释说,“幸福”应该包括在后来的“分类精神疾病”,因为幸福是一个“不现实”(妄想)在这篇文章中我将描述Bentall的说法演绎的性质,其讽刺性,其无法通过真实的前提下,好的形式试验。


Psychology Essay 代写:Happy People Are Crazy

In " A Proposal to Classify Happiness as a Psychiatric Disorder", Richard P. Bentall, senior lecturer in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Liverpool University, argues that happiness " meets all reasonable criteria for a psychiatric disorder" (Bentall, 97.) Because, Bentall is a psychologist, his argument is given a certain level of credibility, he is well versed in the field of psychology, and so his argument is given scholarly credibility. Bentall addresses the many areas where "happiness" fits the excepted definition of a psychiatric disorder. Though, Bentall cites scholarly evidence, his lack of varied reasons for including "happiness" as a disorder. Bentalls' inability to give a definitive, concrete definition of "happiness", and his use of false conjunctive premises, weakens his argument. Also, due to the largely circumstantial nature of Bentall's premises, and the lofty, scientific nature with which he discusses "happiness", (while being fully aware of the many objections he will encounter), it could be inferred that Bentalls' argument is satirical in nature. Bentall explains that "happiness" should be included in later "Taxonomies of Mental Illnesses", because happiness makes one "unrealistic" (delusional.) In this essay I will describe the deductive nature of Bentall's argument, its' satirical nature, and its' inability to pass the True Premise, and Good Form Tests.

Bentall uses scholarly evidence to add credibility to his many premises, but then goes on to say repeatedly that " there is only modest empirical support [even with all of the evidence taken together]" (96), for happiness to be viewed as a disorder/syndrome. Bentall contradicts his own theory, stating that happiness is irrefutably a disorder, while also citing the many cases where one might object to his theory. Even, going so far as to state how far fetched some of his ideas are. In this way, his overall argument is somewhat ambiguous, and not cogent. And, it can be inferred that due to Bentall's own understanding of the rash nature of his claim, that his argument is satirical. Bentall is satirizing the many cases in which psychology is viewed as a "pseudoscience." Many people unfamiliar with the field of psychology are often of the opinion that psychology takes common occurrences, and turn them into twisted, complex disorders, or compulsions. An adulterous man is turned into a compulsive sex addict. A cynical teenager becomes a victim of nihilistic, existential angst. Bentall takes a common emotion, one thought of in an extremely positive light universally, and turns it into a "psychological disorder." He is aware that his theory will be met with objection, and even goes so far as to be viewed as humorous, and he addresses in such a way that the reader asks; " Is he serious?"


