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May wears a dress and and spectacles. . .geeky look. . .enters the stage,tensed. . .wiping her sweat. . .looking around here and there. . .she is suddenly wonderstruck by a poster on ureca. . .she stares at it while walking. . .and then trips over someone. . .Girl #1)

Girl #1:Careful!!!!!!!!!!

May:i am so sorry. . .i. . .i. . .(straightens her dress. . .pushes her spectacles up her nose. . .)

Girl 1:hi i am rhea and you are. . .

May: Hi,…(uncomfortably) I'm May.

Girl #2: Can you guys believe that we're all actually in college! (flatters arms in a girly way)…(then looks at May) Oh! You really don't look like one of those outgoing types.

Girl #1: No kidding! She must be a professor in a student's outfit!

(both laugh and walk away)

[Guys walk in. Girl #2 starts talking with one of them.]

Girl #1 (to May): Hey girl! Why don't you talk to anyone? Guys especially…look at her (points at Girl #2). She's already asking him out.

May: I…I'm not sure, I've never really placed myself in this kind of an environment before.

Girl #1: You'd better get used to it girl. You wouldn't want to end up like those people. (points to some research assistants on the sidelines)

[Everyone moves into the auditorium, Girl #3 comes in.]

Girl #3 (to May): Heylo there! Oh my God, you are one 'Geek Goddess'! Hahaha.

(Everyone around her laughs.)

May: So…(sizes her up, finds her smart looking and pretentious) you seem to be quite popular, who're you?

Girl #1: Oh, you don't know her? She's Amy, one of the most talented people we have in our group!

May (to Amy): Hi Amy! I'm May, I'll be staying in Hall 14 here…

Amy (cuts her off): May?!? From hall 14??...Girl, I think you're my roomie! Say what, you'll do all my homework for me and I'll tell everyone you're a cool person. Deal? (before May can respond, points to Girl #1) this is Rhea btw, she lives quite close to our room too. She's a wannabe rockstar. We'll all be like dorm sisters.

[talking goes on, investiture starts…and soon after]

(a cluster of eee students,fashoinably dressed. . .looking haughty and with an air of arrogance. . .)

May: Hey, who are those?

Amy: Oh, those are the amazing guys and girls who won the EEE awards last year. They're all really good at whatever they do.

May: I wish I got that someday…(Rhea cuts her off)

Rhea: Why? Something you'll write in your resume while searching for a boyfriend? (People laugh)

Max enters with ben and luke. . .mays eyes are fixed on him . . .

Amy (quietly sneaks up behind May):he's max. . .the heart-throb of ntu. . .

May: wowwwwwwww. . .(starry eyed). . .

may drops water on herself from an open bottle that she was about to drink from. . .

may:ooops. . .excuse me guys. . .(runs away. . .embarassed. . .)


Amy: C'mon, give her a break. (to both May and Rhea) Let's go back, I want to know more about the JCRC and these hundreds of weird acronyms you find here.

Scene II

[May speaks to her mom on the phone]

may:hello?hi ma. . .i miss you so much. . .(sighs)

mother:honey. . .how have you been doing?are you eating properly. . .do you get sleep at night. . .we miss you dear. . .

may:ma. . .this place is so different. . .i mean the people. . .the way they dress up. . .i am not "in" ma. . .i dont feel at home here. . .

mom:dont worry honey. . .you have just arrived. . .you'll get friends soon. . .

may:(suddenly exuberant):you know what ma. . .there this awesome scholarship here. . .ureca. . .given to the best students. . .and i shall work really. . .

she is interrupted by her mom

mom:Gawd. . .forget about that. . .tell me. . .did you see any handsome young men there. . .

may:yes. . .i mean no. . .i mean. . .i cant remember. . .ma. . .whats the use. . .the so called charmong young men are not for me. . .(her voice becomes fades away)

ma:okay dear. . .talk to dad. . .he has something to tell you. . .

may bucks up. . .straightens her voice. . .starts stuttering. . .

may:hello papa. . .

dad:may. . .have you submitted your giro application?have you collected your mc?and hows it going in the academic forefront?

may:yes dad i have done all the submissions and collections. . .studies are going great. . .yes dad. . .yes. . .i promise to do all my work on time. . .

dad:dont ever lose track of your values and your goals.okay?

may:yes dad. . .sure. . .i get it. . .buhbye. . .good night. . .

dad:bye may. . .

ma:enjoy yourself honey. ..bye love. . .


May attends an interview for eee club subcomm:

interviewer:hi there. . .


i:so what makes you think you are suitable for being a part of the publications portfolio???

may:ummm. . .ummm. . .i. . .i. . .draw well. . .and write well. . .i think. . .

i:okay. . .good. . .so please suggest a slogan for the eee night. . .

may:yeah. . .okay sure. . .ummm. . .maybe"eee night. . .a night of excitement,excitement and ummm. . .well. . .more excitemient. . ."

(flings her arms out)

laughs fiercely. . .

may:you like it???huh???or maybe. . ."sports carnival. . .on your mark,get set,go. . ."(she acts it out). . .

i:laugh and gestures her to leave the room. . .

may:oh please. . .i need those five points so badly. . .oh pretty please. . .

she is asked to leave. . .

[May heads back to her room]

May (to Amy): Damn, this was my fifth interview, and I'm sure I'll get rejected from this too!

Amy: Chill, what you really need is something to boost your confidence. Tell me what you're good at. It seems I need to show you how to act smart…

[They both go outside and then…]

(3 or 4 girls,bounce balls on their way to the NIE)

Amy (to May): Hey! They're my teammates in basketball. Let me introduce them to you!

May: Oh! You play basketball too? wow you are sooo good. . .(looks in awe). . .

Amy (typical pretentious voice): Just a few…this and that…the things I'm good at. (smiles at herself)

Say what, let's head for the NIE courts, maybe I can teach you a few things.

May: About basketball? Well, actually I already know how to play. I've been out of practice for years now…hmm, last I played was in 3rd grade I think.

Amy: Well, you don't look like the sports type, let's go check out the place, then maybe I can figure out how much you remember.

[They start walking towards NIE]

Rhea (coming in): Hey wassup people? I'm just done with my band practice. Going for a game?...(looks at May)…huh, you're coming too? (stifles laughter) but can you play?

Amy: Cut it out…let's just go and have fun, basketball isn't all about winning.

[They walk together to the NIE, and then Guy #1, Guy #2 and Guy #3 come in]

Amy (to May): Hey! Isn't he the guy you saw at the freshmen welcome ceremony…

May (cuts in): Not so loud! (really loud)

Rhea: Now that was loud! (typical mischievous voice)

luke:were these not the girls we saw on the freshmen day. . .

ben:yeah. . .they are so sweet. . .nice girls,i tell you. . .(smiling lovingly)

luke:why dont you go join them,miss ben?

ben:oh shutup. . .i mean that girl there. . .she's a sweetheart. . .she's so quite and simple-minded. . .she's so calm and composed. . .

luke:(in the same sweet voice,sarcastically)yeah and so nerdy. . .i am sure she's related to neville longbottom. . .(harry potter reference)

mAx:oh stop it the two of you. . .we dont even know them well enough to form opinions on them. . .

May:i really wish i could play like you amy. . .you are indeed amazing. . .i too want to be an ace basketball player one day and win hearts. . .(stares longingly at max)

Amy: For that you need to be very different from what you are now. Let's see, you'll need better looks (flicks her glasses), a better figure (pokes her in the belly) and you need to be cooler. C'mon, if he really liked you, he would be the one asking you out!

Rhea: Well, for all I know Ben might be into me! Drats, I'd better lock myself up in the room for the next few days…

[The three guys start walking off]

may:guys. . .i'll go get myself a drink ohkay?

may goes to the vending machone to get a drink. . .she reads the intructions carefully. . .literally pointing at each word. . .but she struggles to get the drink out. . .max comes. . .boxes the machine a couple of times. . .while may looks at him without a solitary blink. . .max takes the drink out and touches it to her hand. . .she startles at once and returns to reality. . .

Max:that's how you get them to work here. . .

may:ummm. . .you play well. . .really well. . .

Max: Thanks, you also played quite…um…(recollects game and voice fades away)

May: Okaaayyy…so you're in the inter-varsity games right?

Max: Umm…yeah.

May:so what elective have you taken this semester?

Amy (deciding to save the disastrous situation, moves in): Hey Max, we really need to get going now (drags May along), we're really busy today.

Everyone (to each other): See you, bye etc.

Ben and Luke (to Max): I think she likes you. (in unison)

Max (smiles): looks at a hot girl,passing by)Nah, it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

may overhears this. . .her heartbreaks. . .she walks back to her friends. . .

[On the other side of the stage]

Amy: Girl! What on earth were you doing? Never ever try anything like that unless you know exactly what you're doing!!

Rhea: Seems you need to learn a lot! Tell you what, we'll be your new mentors!!

[All walk back]

Scene IV

[At the end of year 1]

Rhea: Hey, congrats on your result May! I know you could do it…I mean, it's what you do best. You even placed in the Dean's list!

Amy:yeah. . .way to go girl. . .

may:(in a low voice):thanks guys. . .

amy:i am sure you know that getting a high gpa is sure great work. . .but thars not all right?

May:i know amy. . .i sure have had a great time with you guys. . .the year thats gone by was by no means bad. . .but i know i have a long way to go. . .achieve a great deal. . .and be more successful as a person. . .*sighs*

ACT 2. . .

scene 1

ben:hey guys have you heard. . .amy's friend. . .whats her name again?. . .uhm. . .uhm. . .

max:may. . .(jumps up)

luke:dude,you remember her name. . .why???

max:c'mon. . .i'd never fall for her so. . .

ben:and why would you not?she's so talented. . .like i was saying. . .she has got goa of around 5 and plays good basketball. . .awwwwwwww. . .how sweet the two of you would look indeed. . .

luke:ben. . .stop it,okay. . .c'mon man,be a MAN. . .!!!

max:and stop your imagination from getting wild. . .

ben:but. . .but. . .arghhh. . .whatever. . .!!!!!!

in the meantime. . .we see whats happening at may's room. . .

may:(rehearsing)hi max. . .look. . .i think you could help me out with basketball or something. . .so LETS GET STARTED???!!!(SUDDENLY LIGHTS UP)

Next moment. . .she calms down. . .

may:no. . .thats too fast. . .ben,luke. . .lets go to macdonalds for lunch. . .and oh yeah max,you want to join???

amy (enters the room):its been a long day. . .eee campaigning. . .jcrc elections. . .i have not been to old chang kee in a while. . .mind joining me for dinner,may. . .?

may(still rehearsing):huh?huh?sure. . .oh where again?

amy:wait a minute. . .(hands on her hips):what are you doing?rehearsing for a drama or. . .or. . is it what i am thinking. . .c'mon may. . .you have a long way to go before. . .i told you right. . .

may:yes yes i know. . .lets go to chang kee. . .i'll call rhea up and ask her to join us. . .

Scene 2:

its november. . .and all are excited about the sports carnival. . .

amy:may,this is your chance to prove your worth. . .please go and enroll yourself as a basketball player in the female category. . .

may:(to her self----i cant be doing this. . .oh no. . .what if i dont play well enough. . .what if i mess up last moment. . .no not this way. . .i dont want to make a fool of myself. . .and max and his pals will be there too. . .so. . .)

(shouts out):NO WAY. . .!!!!

Amy:may,are you ohkay girl?i mean whats wrong with you. . .think of the bright side. . .if we win this tournament. . .your the star. . .may,the all arounder. . .all hail,may the superstar. . .(flings her arms)

may:really?you think i can. . .

amy nods her head ferociously. . .

may:okay. . .i shall give it my best shot. . .

may starts training vigorously. . .she falls a couple of times. . .rhea reaches out to help while amy guides her. . .teaching her each and every move in basketball. . .(motivation sort of song here,we will rock you sort of song. . .)


max talks to his tutor/lecturer. . .

Tutor:max. . .none of our schedules match. . .i really dont know when i will be able to sit down and explain software engineering to you. . .at the same time you need to catch up as soon as possible. . .it's an important core for you. . .why dont you ask your peers. . .maybe ben,luke?

max(hearty laugh):sir. . .they are no good at this. . .and i have absolutely no intention to S/U this elective. . .maybe i could go to someone else. . .lets see. . .(pensive,thinking). . .

sir:max. . .maybe you could got to may. . .she just won a trophy at a recent software engineering quiz and beat phd students. . .yes. . .she so good. . .she can definitely help you out. . .just fix up a convenient time with her. . .

max:sure sir. . .i shall do so shortly. . .

tutor leaves. . .enter ben and luke. . .

ben:what did he say. . .when is he free?

max:his timings are not matching with ours guys. . .so as he suggested. . .we shall ask may to help us out with this. . .

luke:are you serious?no this cant be the way to go. . .i mean. . .that nerd. . .

ben:sounds ohkay. . .great actually. . .considering the grades she has been securing so far. . .we too are bound to do well if taught by her. . .

max:okay guys i texted her. . .she told me she is free on wednesday evenings. . .uhm guys i'll go alone okay. . .???

she'll teach me the stuff and i shall teach you guys. . .is tht fine?

luke:max. . .you've lost it dude. . .

max:no i make sense. . .think about it. . .if all the three of. . .

max is cut short by ben.

ben:we understand max. . .its totally fine. . .@luke. . .can you leave max alone for a while?

luke:yeah but. . .

ben:no but. . .i think this is SUPERCUTE. . .(in a cheesy tone). . .

luke:aaaargh whatever. . .


May is talking to herself. . .

may:in a few hours from now. . .max and i will be sitting together in can A. . .i'll be teaching him. . .while he looks into my eyes. . .he'll say"may.you are a GENIUS". . .and i'll be like."oh no no. . .no way. . .it's just you max". . .and then once we are done,max will be suggest we go for a walk to the yunnan gardens to ease our overstressed brains. . .we'll walk hand in hand and i shall tell him how i feel he bears this striking resemblance to isaac newton. . .and then he'll tell me i a wise voice,"but yuou dont need gravity to "fall" in love,may". . .and then. . .

(we intend to include a video here,or maybe a dance where we will have them dancing. . max and may. . .to some romantic song. . .a video shot in the Yunnan garden would be nice. . .but maybe its too cumbersome. . .)



enter ben,luke and max

luke:i feel so sorry for you max. . .you must have had an awful night getting tutored by may. . .i'm sure she sounded like she was talking in hebrew or something. . .

max:not exactly. . .

ben:why should she?she always makes sense. . .

luke:who?that geek. . .

ben:dont you call her a geek. . .she took the trophy home at the basketball match in the eee sports carnival. . .plus shes a eee maincommer now. . .and maincommers are always coooool people. . .get it?

at this point ben and luke glare at each other and we have a visual at the background showing the two of them in an angel and devil avatar. . .that is,wings and a pair of horns and a sword or something. . .

max:guys. . .listen to me. . .the patience with which she explained stuff to me. . .the time she took out for me. . .her efforts. . .i cant deny that. . .i have great respect for her. . .

ben:see. . .i told you. . .yay. . .!!!(starts dancing around)

luke wraps him on the head. . .


at a crowded place. . .say near lee wee nam. . .

max is talking to a guy. . .

max:so like i told you i wont be here for the intervarsities games,since i shall be laving for France on exchange in a a few weeks time. . .

may enters. . .she hears this. . .looks sad. . .

max sees may:hey may. . .

may:hey max. . .how you doing?what were your software engineering grades like?i bet year three is quite easy barring this core course. . .

max:oh got an A-. . .thanks may. . .ben and luke did well too. . .

all others leave. . .may and max start talking again. . .

max:may i was wondering if we could spend some time together before we leave. . .

may:sure max. . .(in her mind. . .yes!!!!!!. . .yes!!!!!!!!)wait a minute. . .leave for where???

max:i am going on gss exchange to france. . .(starts walking around and talking dreamily)the eiffel tower,perfumes,white wine. . .i cant wait for it. . .

may makes a sad but happy sort of face. . .

may:enjoy yourself max. . .hope you have a great time. . .

they leave walking together. . .max jabbering away ecsatatically and may listening to him,smiling. . .

SCENE 2. . .

Enter max.ben and luke. . .

ben:(in a girly fashoin,as usual)i cant believe this man. . .you'll get to experience the majestic air of france. . .the beaty of the place,the kindness of its people,wish you could take may with you as well. . .then the warmth. . .

interrupted by luke. . .

luke:think of it rex. . .you are so fortunate. . .i feel we need a breather from this mundane college life. . .congratulations man. . .way to go. . .

ben:but may. . .

luke:ben,can you please cut that out???

max:yeah dude. . .relax. . .we are just good friends. . .and thats. . .(hesitant)ummm. . .about it. . .


in the meantime,may returns. . .she looks tired after a day long of looking around for a perfect farewell gift for max

amy:hey where have you been all day?

may:dont even talk about it. . .max is leaving tomorrow. . .i looked around the whole city. . .just name it. . .jurong point. . .bugis. . .orchard. . .parkway parade. . .mustafa. . .vivocity. . .(we have the map thing here). . .but could not find a gift special enough. . .(bogged down). . .

amy:maybe you could make him something yourself. . .

may:(thinks for a while)oh yes. . .i'll make him a collgage of all our times together. . .that would surely be special. . .love you amy. . .thanks a ton. . .

amy:my pleasure honey. .

may starts working on the collage right away. . .(we shall show her as cutting and sticking and stuff)

she holds up the collage after a while. . .

may:perfect. . .!!!!!!!!no i cant wait for tomorrow. . .

next day. . .at the busstop. . .

may:hi max. . .where are you off to?

max:hey. . .waiting for shuttle c. . .going to attend a press conference with my fan club. . .they want me to meet them before i leave. . .where are you going,may?

here we show a facebook page in the background,"max's fan club" with a photograph of max and a few members. . .we shall create it and make the people involved in our committee be part of it. . .

may:ummm. . .nowhere. . .i just came to say goodbye. . .

before she can say anything. . .max gives her a hug. . .

max:we've become great friends. . .thank you for everything. . .

may:you've been a sweetheart as well. . .(the gift is all this while hidden behind her). . .ummm. . .max. . .max. . .i. . .(she tries to bring it out). . .

shuttle c comes. . .

max:theres bus "c". . .bye may. . .see you next semester. . .

may:max. . .max. . .i wanted to. . .(putting her head down)buhbye max. . .


soliloquey. . .

enter may. . .the basket ball court is dark. . .its night. . .may is bouncing a ball. . .and talking to herself. . .

may:this cant be for real. . .i didn't even miss maths this much when i could not study for three days during my pre-examination nervous breakdown. . .max,i miss all the stupid things you say. . .the way you never ever get any of your formulas correct,the way you you always sleep in when i am explaining something to you but wake up as soon as i talk about going for ice-cream or something. . .oh come back max. . .i miss the wonder that you are. . .

(sad song. . .maybe a dance. . .)


(this will include a video in France)

this scene shows max on exchange. . .he talks to himself here. . .

Max:i cant imagine i am actually missing NTU so much. . .especially my friends and. . .may as well. . .God ben was right. . .i am having great fun here. . .but my heart is back home. . .in lkc,at can A,at lee wee nam. . .gosh. . .i sure am homesick. . .i yearn to talk to may. . .

maybe i should call her up. . .but. . .ummm. . .what do i say. . .never mind. . .i'll just call her. . .she wont mind if i sound stupid. . .

(here we want may to be on the phone. . .maybe she taks from backstage)


max:ummm. . .hi may. . .max here. . .

may:hi max. . .how you doing?are you having fun?hows the place like?

max:woah woah woah. . .i am loving it here. . .ummm. . .well. . .ummm. . .

may:max. . .is it something you want to say?

max:oh yeah was just wanting you to tell the maincommers that i wont be able to come for the bascket ball match at the bonding camp so. . .

may:max. . .how lame. . .have you lost it?obviously they know you wont be flying down to attend the camp and you can always e-mail them as well. . .

max:(to himself---this is soooo not working out)

may:hello?hello?you there max?

max: okay fine. . .here it goes. . .may. . .

may:(to herself---finally!!!!!!)yes?

max:i really miss you guys. . .but a phone call is gettong too expensive. . .maybe we could skype. . .

may sure take down my id. . .and be online tomorrow at. . .

max:ummm. . .may. . .i know what your thinkig now. . .this guy cant be for real. . .he's sooo stupid. . .

may:honey. . .i always knew you were stupid. . .right from the time you. . .

coversation fades away in a some romantic music. . .

ACT 4:


amy and rhea are dressed up in evening dresses for the prom night. . .

amy:i cant wait for may to step out in her beautiful black dress. . .

rhea:we'll do her up so well. . .i am sure our batchmates will be dumbstruck when they see this makeover at the prom today. . .

may steps out in a short black dress. . .pulling it down constantly and looking apprehensiive. . .

amy and rhea look at may,then at each other. . .in the background we have a before, an after and a star's picture(preferrably angelina jolie)whose way of dressing is shown in may's apparel.

may:guys i dont have a good feeling about this. . .i mean. . .look at this. . .i cant handle something like this. . .and the juniors. . .GUYS. . .GUYSSSSSSS. . .

(amy and rhea dont listen to her. . .they try this and that on her. . .say earrings. . .makeup. . .)

may gives up. . .

amy:is your partner here yet?

may:yup. . .he'll be there on time. . .he returned this morning. . .i havent seen him in sooooo long. . .

rhea:i am sure he'll be delighted to see you in this avatar. . .

may: (deep breath)i can only hope for the best. . .fingers crossed. . .


At the prom. . .

max,ben and luke are talkinh about the formers experiences in France. . .

max:and then we went to le louvre. . .and the paintings there were friggin fantabulous. . .

ben and luke listen captivated. . .

and suddenly. . .max stop midway. . .

Max:and guess what guys. . .we met this highly talented. . .(stops talking)

ben,luke:what huh???

they look back. . .

we have may,amy and rheea coming in. . .

at this stage we would like to have a romantic bollywood song to which our lead pair ball dance looking into each others eyes. . .there should be a few instances where may stumbles due to inexperience in both dance and her heels. . .a song i would suggest would be perfect here its called zoobi doobi from 3 idiots. . .right from beginning to end it matches the scenario of our play. . .end majestically with an awesome dance pose may and max in each others arms. . .


[The scene starts with a completely transformed May entering the stage, after receiving a call from her dad.]

Dad (voice heard):…and I heard you're up in contention for the EEE Excellence Awards. Amazing May, you've made your entire family proud. I am truly happy to be your father.

May (wiping away tears): Thanks a lot dad,…there's just one more thing I need to ask you.

Dad: Sure, what is it?

May: There's this…wait, I'll tell you during the convocation.

[Drops the line]

[At the time of graduation, May is present with her friends; they're vigorously chatting with each other and wait for their parents. They're also really excited about getting their degrees. Ben and Luke turn up.]

Ben: Hey guys, you're parents…are they turning up?

Rhea: Well, duh…obviously, especially for a daughter like May, who wouldn't turn up?

May:thank you so much ben and luke for coming down to attend my graduation ceremony. . .

Luke (to the girls): Who would believe that May would end up like this…from 'Geek Goddess' to 'Brain Brawn Beauty'!

May: Arghh…Luke I swear I'll kill you. If only your parents hadn't shown up…

Amy: Cut it out guys, May's parents just arrived.

Dad: So these are your friends who I've heard so much about?

Mom: You all look so nice in your graduation outfits, soon you'll have your own children (teary).

(starts crying, Ben consoles her and starts crying himself)

Luke: Du…

Rhea (to Luke): Dude, let him cry for once,…he won't get the same chance when he's in office.

Dad (to May): So May, what was it you wanted to tell me that day?

{Everyone falls silent, then)

May: Dad, I told you a lot about Max right, he's this really nice guy who I first met 4 years back,…first I thought he was all proud and too full of himself,…but as I got to know him better I started to like him. I had a crush on him back then, but now I think I'm in love with him…

Dad: You have finally grown up May…(smiles), do what your heart says.

Mom: What?!? You're telling her to do what her heart says?

May: Mooom!!! . . .(she feels shy)

(looking at her parents' faces)…oh, and he's got a good job as well. . .

May (contd.): But what I really don't know is how to tell him! If I tell him that I love him what will he say?

"I love you too"- Max (comes up from behind)

(May wheeles around, shocked, and trips and falls, Max catches her just in time)

(Everyone is shocked, then they smile and finally start clapping)

The play ends with May receiving the EEE Excellence Award.


